Computing Student Receives Birds Studies Canada and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists Travel Grant

One of our Bachelor of Computing Students, Brandon Edwards, received a travel grant from Birds Studies Canada and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists. Brandon will use the funding to attend the 42nd Annual Waterbirds Society Meeting and the International Ornithological Congress (IOC) which will be running concurrently in Vancouver this summer. The IOC is a major conference that happens every four years and brings ornithologists around the world together to present their research. A travel fund was created in order to assist students across Canada in attending and presenting at this conference.
At the Waterbirds Society Meeting, Brandon will be presenting his collaborative project between Dr. Daniel Gillis in the School of Computer Science and Dr. Shoshanah Jacobs in the Department of Integrative Biology. Their research is looking at developing an efficient simulation computer model to simulate the life cycle of the piping plover, an endangered North American shorebird. At the main IOC conference, Brandon will present his research he's been conducting with Dr. Adam Smith at the Canadian Wildlife Service this summer, as part of his co-op position.
Brandon has already been awarded a Waterbirds Society Travel Grant and the Arthur D. Latornell Travel Grant.
The School of Computer Science would like to extend their congratulations to Brandon for receiving this grant. Well deserved!