SoCS Faculty Awarded Tier 2 Canada Research Chair
The School of Computer Science is proud to announce that one of our faculty members, Dr. Ali Dehghantanha, has been awarded a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) from the federal Government of Canada. Earlier today, Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry, Navdeep Bains, announced a $195-million federal investment in the CRC program that included the bestowing of 259 new and renewed chairships at institutions across Canada. Dr. Dehghantanha is the founder and Director of the Cyber Science Lab, a research lab in SoCS that focuses on research related to identification and mitigation of cybersecurity threats using advanced artificial intelligence techniques. The Tier 2 CRC, which recognizes rising research stars in their fields, will provide $120,000 in research funding annually for five years to support Dr. Dehghantanha's cybersecurity research. Dr. Dehghantanha is also the Director of the Master of Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence program, a one-year course-based Master's program at the University of Guelph focused on training the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.
Learn more about the announcement and the other UofG professors who were appointed as Canada Research Chairs: U of G Researchers Receive Funding From Canada Research Chairs Program.