
Marshall Asch crouching with a dogat the Left offices in Maple Ridge, British Columbia

CS Student Named to the College of Engineering & Physical Sciences Society of Excellence

School of Computer Science student, Marshall Asch, has been recently named to the College of Engineering & Physical Sciences Society of Excellence. The honour is awarded to students who show outstanding academic excellence, and who have made outstanding contributions to the community (on or off campus). 

During his undergraduate degree, Marshall:

U of G Launches Unique Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence Program

With the demand for highly skilled cybersecurity experts growing every day, the University of Guelph will launch a new graduate degree in cybersecurity and threat intelligence to train the next generation on how to stop cyberattacks before they happen.

School of Computer Science Students Attend CS Games

Students from the School of Computer Science attended the Computer Science Games, a social computing competition over the weekend of March 22-25th, 2019. Students made the trek to Polytechnique Montreal to participate in a three day collegiate competition that includes challenges from all aspects of computing, including reserve engineering, hardware hacking, mobile development, and functional programming. Organized by students from different university every year, the CS Games is open to all undergraduate students.

Computer Science Student Dar'ya Heyko Wins Katherine Elliott Graduate Scholarship

Congratulations to School of Computer Science student Dar'ya Heyko who was named the recipient of this year's Katherine Elliott Scholarship. The Graduate Scholarship was established to honour Katherine Elliott who served as coordinator of the University of Guelph Peer Helper Program between 1988 and 1991. It is presented annually to a Peer Helper in good standing, who is achieving well scholastically and intends to pursue postgraduate work toward a career in the Student Services field or one of the helping professions (Social Work, Teaching, Counselling, Theology, Medicine etc.).

School of Computer Science Announces New Master of Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence [MCTI] Program

With the number of global cyber-attacks on the rise, the industry demand for cybersecurity professionals has never been higher. According to Christopher D. Young, CEO of McAfee, “We’re approaching a cyber security talent shortage of 2 million people worldwide in the next 3 to 5 years. Every cybersecurity provider can contribute, and when we’re joined by respected education institutions like the University of Guelph, our combined effort makes the world safer.”