
Register for Roboticon 2014!

Roboticon is back for the 13th year at College Royal 2014 at the University of Guelph!

The University of Guelph would like to invite you to Roboticon 2014, our 13th annual robotics competition for high-school students. This year's robot-building and programming challenge will be occurring on March 15th & 16th, 2014 at the University of Guelph.

Welcome Kate McRoberts to the School of Computer Science

The students, staff, and faculty of the School of Computer Science would like to welcome one of our newest members, Kate McRoberts. Kate officially took on the role of our Co-operative Education Coordinator on September 19th, 2016.

SoCS Speaker Series: Guest Speaker Tim Bray

As part of the School of Computer Science's Speaker Series, please join us in welcoming University of Guelph alumnus Tim Bray on January 15, 2014 from 5:30pm-7:30pm in the Engineering THORN Atrium.

The Guelph Technology Showcase 3.0 Exhibitors & Sponsors have been announced!

The third annual Guelph Technology Showcase is a combination of a career fair and a celebration of the local information technology community. 

The event, presented by The University of Guelph School of Computer Science and the Guelph Technology and Design Cluster Co-operative, features a variety of local computer-based businesses, large organizations with IT departments and associations with resources for tech professionals.

The Community University Portal

Introducing the Community University Portal - a collaborative project between the SoCS and the Institute for Community Engaged Scholarship.

During the summer of 2013, the School of Computer Science partnered with the Institute for Community Engaged Scholarship (ICES) to develop a website and database designed to facilitate community project intake and tracking. With a working name of the “Community-University Portal (CUP)”, this project is funded by the University of Guelph's Learning Enhancement Fund, and directed by Assistant Professor Dan Gillis.

The Not-Quite-Winter-Break Programming Contest

The School of Computer Science would like to invite you to the Not-Quite-Winter-Break Programming Contest, to be held on December 5th at 1pm.

Not a member of SoCS? Not a problem. Everyone is welcome. The only rule is that at least one person on your team needs to be from the School of Computer Science. They can be a student, staff member, faculty member, or alumnus.

New to programming? Not a problem. The contest is open to everyone; all skill levels, all departments.

Also - prizes and awards!

ONCWIC 2014 to be hosted by the University of Guelph!

The School of Computer Science at the University of Guelph is happy to announce that we have been chosen to host the 5th Ontario Celebration of Women in Computing conference for 2014!

The ONCWIC conference will include keynote speakers, workshops, student poster presentations and panels on a variety of topics. The conference will foster social and networking opportunities, the opportunity to present and discuss research projects and allow students to be part of a larger community of women in technology.

Visit from Shawn C. Wilde

On Friday, November 8th, the School of Computer Science was visited by Shawn C. Wilde, a student from the 1970's who graduated with a B.A in Computer and Information Science.

Shawn visited the CIS*3210 Computer Networks class to discuss his 10 years of IT experience and 20 years of Software Development experience. Shawn brought to life his career in the Silicon Valley, the IT side of business and how a career after Guelph University has sustained him.

Upcoming GCC Meetings

The Guelph Coding Community will be meeting every Wednesday evening for the rest of the semester. Find out more information here.

All meetings will be held in Reynolds 114, will run from 7pm-9pm, and will include a keynote speaker, plus several shorter presentations. The tentative speaker list can be found below. Get involved outside of the classroom, learn cool tips, and get to know your classmates. Join the GCC. Tentative Speaker List for the Month of November