Thesis Defence: Gamification of Online Surveys for Public Health Data Collection by Corey Alexander

Date and Time


MacKinnon 304


Join us for the defence of MSc Candidate Corey Alexander on Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 10:30 am in MacKinnon 304. 

Title: Gamification of Online Surveys for Public Health Data Collection


Standard survey methods have many issues associated with them, especially when they contain a large number of questions, or take a long time to complete. These problems come in the form of user fatigue, a lack of interest in the survey, or inaccurate and incomplete answers. We hypothesized that the use of badging - a self element of gamification - would increase completion rates, increase time spent on the survey, and have no effect on straight-lining behaviour. This research describes the specific tools that have been developed to investigate the use of gamification (specially badging) and answer these hypotheses. Results indicated that badging had no effect on completion rates, although this could be an artifact of participant selection bias. However, the study does suggest that gamification, specifically badging, increases the time a user spends on the survey. 

Examination Committee:

  • Dr. Fangju Wang, Chair
  • Dr. Daniel Gillis, Advisor
  • Dr. Judi McCuaig, Advisory committee
  • Dr. Stacey Scott, External examiner

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