UofG Computing Students Attend CUSEC

Posted on Saturday, January 20th, 2018

Written by Shelby Tom

UofG students at the Canadian University Software Engineering Conference

Students from the Bachelor of Computing attended the Canadian University Software Engineering Conference, better known as CUSEC, this past weekend. Students made the trek to Hotel Bonaventure in Montreal to participate in a three day conference, starting on Thursday, January 11.

The conference hosts tech talks and workshops, and networking opportunities for all the participants. Some of the workshops were hosted by companies like IBM, RBC and Yelp, and some of the talks had interesting topics like the deployment of quantum cryptography and on teaching machines to learn.

When asked about the conference, one of our students, Nathan Laundry said, “CUSEC is pretty much what you want to get out of it. If you want to just sit down and learn a range of cool things, go listen to some of the awesome talks. If you want to get your resume and name out there, go to the job fair. If you want to hang out with awesome computer science people, well, you're surrounded by them”

Nathan, and another one of our students, Adam Sinclair, both found that they enjoyed the talks. “Nicolas Le Roux gave a talk on Machine Learning and the future and where it's going. He was very down to earth, very respectful of all fields beyond CS. Even though he's a post PhD researcher he never once acted better or smarter than everyone,” said Adam. Nathan, on the other hand, found the talk on machine learning to be the most interesting for him.

For those wondering if they should attend the conference next year, Adam suggested that anyone who is looking to grow as a programmer/researcher/tech advocate would really enjoy the event.

If you would like to learn more about this year's conference, please visit http://2018.cusec.net/.

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