Getting Involved with SoE

Donating your time as a SoE volunteer is an important way that you can give back.  Your knowledge, experience and expertise are valuable assets and resources for current engineering students.  We encourage all Guelph Engineering Alumni to get involved. 

Here are a few ways to get invovled:

  1. Help increase engineering alumni engagement by joining the Engineering Alumni Association (EAA).  As a member of the EAA, you will:  network with fellow engineering professionals, connect with Guelph engineering students, advance the priorities of the SoE and be exposed to career development opportunities.  Come to an EAA meeting today ( )!
  2. Join the new Ten Thousand Coffees Engineering Cafe- an online mentorship program. This program connects you Engineering students or recent grads to share career advice, provide industry insights and help prepare them for their next big step.
  3. Want to talk to students about your career path and what it’s like working as a professional engineer (P.Eng) or an engineer-in-training (EIT)?  Join us at the annual School of Engineering Career Night.  Alumni from all graduation years and disciplines are welcomed!  Occurs every year in late-January.
  4.  Design Day Judges. Get involved as a 4th-year design (41X) project judge or a  judge for 2nd- and 3rd-year design (2100 and 3100, respectively) projects.  Occurs every year in early-April.

Please email Chandler Gray at for more information or to get involved with volunteering for any of the above events or to discuss other areas of interest.