Welcome Engineering Students!


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The Engineering Peer Helpers are experienced Engineering students who are here to help you. We offer study groups to help you grasp core course concepts and to help you develop your study skills. We provide resources to give you advice and ideas on how to handle engineering classes, manage a busy course load, and make the most of your study time. We also offer workshops, and you may even see us drop by one of your classes. 

What's Happening in Winter 2025:

  • Problem Analysis and Concept Review Sessions
  • Accountability Groups - Goal Setting and Productive Studying with a group of other engineering students

Check out our handouts and guides!

The Engineering Peer Helpers have developed online and in-print resources on Matlab, Problem Solving, Time Management, and other topics for students like you. Check out the Time Management and Problem Solving Quicklinks for more.

Get in contact with us!

Our Instagram(@engpeers_uog)!

Visit our YouTube channel to watch our workshops and videos on teamwork, time management, and much more!

Questions? Comments? E-mail us at engpeers@uoguelph.ca!

Land Acknowledgement

We, as Engineering Peer Helpers, would like to acknowledge that our campus resides on Treaty 3 which belongs to the Mississaugas of the Credit. We do this as an act of reconciliation and to show respect to our Indigenous peers and Indigenous communities as a whole. We want to recognize that the Anishinaabe and Haundenosaunee people have a longstanding and on-going relationship with the land. We understand that our presence on this campus is due to colonization and has displaced many Indigenous, Inuit, and Métis people. We support and add our voices to the "CALLS TO ACTION" from the Truth and Reconciliation Committee on Residential Schools.

We encourage all students to use the website Whose Land to learn about what Indigenous land you reside on both on and off campus. 

As engineering students, understanding Indigenous culture and colonization in Canada are extremely important. Only 0.73% of engineers identify as Indigenous in Canada. This under-representation means that Indigenous perspectives are not given an equal voice within the engineering profession. As engineers serve communities, not having any Indigenous perspectives, whether in roles such as engineers or community members, means that we may be perpetuating colonization rather than promoting reconciliation. By listening to our Indigenous community, engineering projects can have a more positive impact on the greater Canadian community.