
Journal Articles

MacDougall, A. Esch, E., Dolezal, A., et al. (2025) Ecosystem services on retired marginal farmland. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, in press.

Elsayed, A., Levison, J., Binns, A. Larocque M, and Goel, P. (2025) Regression-based Machine Learning models for nitrate and chloride prediction in surface water in a small agricultural sand plan sub-watershed in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Frontiers in Environmental Science, in press.

Elsayed, A., Rixon, S., Levison, J., Binns, A. and Goel, P. (2024) Machine learning models for prediction of nutrient concentrations in surface water in an agricultural watershed. Journal of Environmental Management, 372: 123305,

Rixon, S., May, H., Persaud, E., Elsayed, A., Levison, J., Binns, A. and Goel, P. (2024) Subsurface influences on watershed nutrient concentrations and loading in a clay dominated agricultural system. Journal of Hydrology. 645(A): 132140,

Elsayed, A., Rixon, S., Zeuner, C., Levison, J., Binns, A. and Goel, P. (2023) Text mining-aided meta-research on nutrient dynamics in surface water and groundwater: popular topics and perceived gaps. Journal of Hydrology, 626(B): 130338,

Elsayed, A., Rixon, S., Levison, J., Binns, A. and Goel, P. (2023) Application of classification machine learning algorithms for characterizing nutrient transport in a clay plain agricultural watershed. Journal of Environmental Management, 345: 118924,

Persaud, E., Levison, J., Ali, G. and Robinson, C. (2023) Using isotopic tracers to enhance routine watershed monitoring – Insights from an intensively managed agricultural catchment. Journal of Environmental Management, 344: 118364,

Boumaiza L., Ben Ammar, S., Chesnaux, R., Stotler, R.L, Mayer, B., Huneau, F., Johannesson, K.H., Levison, J., Knöller, K. and Stumpp, C. (2023) Nitrate sources and transformation processes in groundwater of a coastal area experiencing various environmental stressors. Journal of Environmental Management, 354: 118803,

May, H., Rixon, S., Gardner, S., Goel, P., Levison J. and Binns, A. (2023) Investigating relationships between climate controls and nutrient flux in surface waters, sediments, and subsurface pathways in an agricultural clay catchment of the Great Lakes Basin, Science of the Total Environment, 

Noble, D., MacDougall, A., and Levison, J. (2022) Impacts of soil, climate, and phenology on retention of dissolved agricultural nutrients by permanent-cover buffers. Science of the Total Environment,

Mackie, C., Lackey, R., Levison, J. and Rodrigues, L. (2022) Groundwater as a source and pathway for road salt contamination of surface water in the Lake Ontario Basin: A review. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 48(1): 24-36,

Marshall, R., Levison, J., Parker, B. and McBean, E. (2022) Septic system impacts on source water: Two novel field tracer experiments in fractured sedimentary bedrock. Sustainability, 14(4), 1959,

Gardner, S., Nguyen, D., Sattolo, N., May, H., Binns, A. and Levison, J. (2022) Characterizing stream planform geometry using a novel application of spectral analysis. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 48(2): 455-467,

Persaud, E. and Levison, J. (2021) Impacts of changing watershed conditions in the assessment of future groundwater contamination risk. Journal of Hydrology, 603D: 127142,

Costa, D., Zhang, H. and Levison, J. (2021) Impacts of climate change on groundwater in the Great Lakes Basin: A review. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47(6): 1613-1625,

Browne, D., Levison, J., Limay-Rios, V., Schaafsma, A. and Novakowski, K. (2021) Neonicotinoids in groundwater: presence and fate in two distinct hydrogeologic settings in Ontario, Canada, Hydrogeology Journal,

Khosravi, K., Sartaj, M., Karimi, M., Levison, J. and Lotfi, A. (2021) A GIS-based groundwater pollution potential using DRASTIC, modified DRASTIC, and bivariate statistical models. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,

Mackie, C, Levison, J., Binns, A. and O'Halloran, I. (2021) Groundwater-surface water interactions and agricultural nutrient transport in a Great Lakes clay plain system, Journal of Great Lakes Research,  

Bishop, P., Persaud, E., Levison, J., Parker, B. and Novakowski K. (2020) Inferring flow pathways between bedrock boreholes using the hydraulic response to borehole liner installation. Journal of Hydrology,

Gardner, S., Levison, J., Parker, B. and Martin, R. (2020) Groundwater nitrate in three distinct hydrogeologic and land use settings in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Hydrogeology Journal,

Marshall, R., Dejardine, M., Levison, J., Anderson, K. and McBean, E. (2020) Moving towards effective First Nations’ source water protection: barriers, opportunities, and a framework. Water,  

Persaud, E., Levison, J., MacRitchie, S., Berg, S., Erler, A., Parker, B. and Sudicky, E. (2020) Integrated modelling to assess climate change impacts on groundwater and surface water in the Great Lakes Basin using diverse climate forcing. Journal of Hydrology, 

Rixon, S., Levison, J., Binns, A. and Persaud, E. (2020) Spatiotemporal variations of nitrogen and phosphorus in a clay plain hydrological system in the Great Lakes Basin. Science of the Total Environment,

Saleem, S., Levison, J., Parker, B., Martin, R. and Persaud, E. (2020) Impacts of climate change and different crop rotation scenarios on groundwater nitrate concentrations in a sandy aquifer. Sustainability, 

Walls, S., Binns, A., Levison, J. and MacRitchie, S. (2020) Prediction of actual evapotranspiration by artificial neural network models using data from a Bowen ratio energy balance station. Neural Computing and Applications,

Marshall, R.E., Levison, J., McBean, E.A. and Parker, B. (2019) Wastewater impacts on groundwater at a fractured sedimentary bedrock site in Ontario, Canada: implications for First Nations’ source-water protection. Hydrogeology Journal,

Larocque, M., Levison, J., Martin, A. and Chaumont, D. (2019) A review of simulated climate change impacts on groundwater resources in eastern Canada. Canadian Water Resources Journal,

Marshall, R., Levison, J., McBean, E., Brown, E. and Harper, S. (2018) Source water protection programs and Indigenous communities in Canada and the United States: a scoping review. Journal of Hydrology,

Larocque, M., Cloutier, V., Levison, J. and Rosa, E. (2018) Preface to the Special Issue "Results from the Quebec Groundwater Knowledge Acquisition Program". Canadian Water Resources Journal, 43(2): 69-74, 

Salek, M., Levison, J., Parker, B. and Gharabaghi, B. (2018) CAD-DRASTIC: chloride application density combined with DRASTIC for assessing groundwater vulnerability to road salt application. Hydrogeology Journal,

Persaud, E., Levison, J., Pehme, P., Novakowski, K. and Parker, B. (2018) Cross-hole fracture connectivity assessed using hydraulic responses during liner installations in crystalline bedrock boreholes. Journal of Hydrology, 

MacDonald, G., Levison, J. and Parker, B. (2017) On methods for in-well nitrate monitoring using optical sensors. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, DOI: 10.1111/gwmr.12248, doi/10.1111/gwmr.12248/full 

Hachborn, E., Berg, A., Levison, J. and Ambadan, J. (2017) Sensitivity of GRACE-derived groundwater level changes in southern Ontario, Canada. Hydrogeology Journal, DOI: 10.1007/s10040-017-1612-2,  

Levison, J., Larocque, M., Ouellet, M.A., Ferland, O. and Poirier, C. (2016) Long-term trends in groundwater recharge and discharge in a fractured bedrock aquifer – past and future conditions. Canadian Water Resources Journal, DOI: 10.1080/07011784.2015.1037795, 

Betts, A., Gharabaghi, B., McBean, E., Levison, J., Parker, B. (2015) Salt vulnerability assessment methodology for municipal supply wells. Journal of Hydrology, 531(3): 523-533,

Girard, P., Levison, J., Parrott, L., Larocque, M., Ouellet, M.A., Green, D. (2015) Modelling cross-scale relationships between climate, hydrology, and individual animals: Generating scenarios for stream salamanders. Frontiers in Environmental Science,  3: 51, DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2015.00051,

Starr, G. and Levison, J. (2014) Identification of crop groundwater and surface water consumption using blue and green virtual water contents at a subwatershed scale. Environmental Processes, 1(4): 497-515, DOI: 10.1007/s40710-014-0040-8,

Levison, J., Larocque, M. and Ouellet, M.A. (2014) Modeling low-flow bedrock springs providing ecological habitats with climate change scenarios. Journal of Hydrology,  515: 16-28, DOI:

Levison, J., Larocque, M., Fournier, V., Gagné, S., Pellerin, S. and Ouellet, M.A. (2013) Dynamics of a headwater system and peatland under current conditions and with climate change. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9978.

Levison, J. and Novakowski, K. (2012) Rapid transport from the surface to wells in fractured rock: a unique infiltration tracer experiment. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 131: 29–38, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.01.001.

Levison, J., Novakowski, K., Reiner, E. and Kolic, T. (2012) Potential of groundwater contamination by polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in a sensitive bedrock aquifer (Canada). Hydrogeology Journal, 20(2): 401-212.

Levison, J. and Novakowski, K. (2009) The impact of cattle pasturing on groundwater quality in bedrock aquifers having minimal overburden. Hydrogeology Journal, 17: 559–569.

Book Chapters, Papers and Reports

Saleem, S., Levison, J. and Haroon, Z. (2023) "Environment: role of precision agriculture technologies" in Precision Agriculture: Evolution, Insights and Emerging Trends (ed. Q. Zaman), Academic Press. Print ISBN: 9780443189531.

Larocque, M., Levison, J., Gagne, S. and Saleem, S. (2019) Groundwater use for agricultural production - current water budget and expected trends under climate change. Final technical report for Quebec-Ontario Cooperation for Agri-Food Research Competition, OMAFRA, Guelph, Ontario, and MAPAQ, Québec City, Québec.

Larocque, M.,  Parrott, L., Green, D., Lavoie, M., Pellerin, S., Levison, J., Girard, P. and Ouellet, M.A. (2013) Modélisation hydrogéologique et modélisation des populations de salamandres sur le mont Covey Hill: perspectives pour la conservation des habitats en présence de changements climatiques. Scientific report for project #554007-107, Plan d’action 2006-2012 sur les changements climatiques du gouvernement du Québec (PACC26-OURANOS), OURANOS, Montréal, Québec.

Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (2011) Cataraqui Source Protection Area amended proposed assessment report. Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority, Kingston, Ontario. (J. Levison is a contributing author to Chapter 5: Groundwater Sources).

Levison, J., Sossin, L. and Wallace, D. (2010) Towards the best policy directions for engineering regulators. Engineers Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. 142 pp. 

Levison, J. (2010) Doing it right (ground source heating and cooling and public policy). Canadian Consulting Engineer Magazine, 51(3): 14-16. 

Levison, J. (2010) A zero waste future and the engineer. Journal of Policy Engagement, 2(2): 17-19. 

Levison, J. (2009) Anthropogenic impacts on sensitive fractured bedrock aquifers. PhD Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Queen's University.