Co-op Employer of the Year Award

Celebrating Excellence

The Experiential Learning Hub recognizes the success of co-op students and employers each year with the Co-op Awards, an event that celebrates their contributions and achievements in experiential learning and industry partnerships.


Co-op Employer of the Year Award

Students, along with faculty and staff, are invited to nominate an employer who created a successful experiential learning opportunity for University of Guelph Co-op students during any work term in 2024.

Two "Co-op Employers of the Year" will be selected. 

The employer located outside of Guelph with the highest overall score will be awarded the National Co-op Employer of the Year Award

The Guelph-based employer with the highest score of all Guelph-based employers nominated will be awarded the Guelph Co-op Employer of the Year Award

This award includes a recognition piece and permanent name placement on the awards plaque. If you are interested in nominating an employer, you can do so right now! The nomination form, guidelines, and sample letters can be found below.

2024 Nomination Deadline Dates

April 26, 2024
Winter Work Term
August 30, 2024
Summer Work Term
November 22, 2024
Fall Work Term

Submit a Nomination for the 2024 Co-op Employer of the Year Award

Submit Nomination

See also

Previous Award Winners

  • 2023    Magnet Forensics (National Winner) & John F. Wood Centre, University of Guelph (Guelph Winner) 
  • 2022    Environmental and Climate Change Canada (National Winner) & Linamar Gear, Linamar Corporation (Guelph Winner) 
  • 2021    Axonify (National Winner) & Envision SQ (Guelph Winner) 
  • 2020    Unitron Hearing, Sonova (National Winner) & Wellington Brewery (Guelph Winner) 
  • 2019    ecobee (National Winner) & University of Guelph, McLaughlin Library (Guelph Winner) 
  • 2018    Canadian Wildlife Services (National Winner) & Linamar Corp. (Guelph Winner)
  • 2017    Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (National Winner) & RWDI (Guelph Winner)
    2016    Cole Engineering Group Ltd. (National Winner) & The Uniacke Research Lab, Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology, University of Guelph (Guelph Winner)
  • 2015    The City of Mississauga, Environmental Services Section (National Winner) & Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (Guelph Winner)
  • 2014    PwC Audit & Assurance Group - Kitchener/Waterloo office (National Winner) & Canadian Solar Inc. (Guelph Winner)
  • 2013    Mikutech Inc.
  • 2012    McNeil Consumer Healthcare 
  • 2011    The National Microbiology Laboratory Public Health Agency of Canada
  • 2010    Bioenterprise Corporation
  • 2009    Real Net Canada Incorporated 
  • 2008    Coast Hotels & Resorts 
  • 2007    Canadian Tire Corporation
  • 2006    Oliver Bonacini Restaurants
  • 2005    Canadian Standards Association
  • 2004    Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses PHAC
  • 2003    R.J Burnside and Associates Limited
  • 02/03   Coast Hotels & Resorts
  • 2002    Acres & Associated
  • 2001    McNeil Consumer Healthcare
  • 2000    Sybase Incorporated
  • 1999    Uniroyal Chemical Limited Guelph


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