Co-op Work Term Report Guidelines

Work term reports are an integral part of the co-operative education experience which enable you to integrate the unique insights and learning gained through your work experiences with the academic knowledge that you have acquired through your studies.

Work term report requirements vary by program and employers may be asked to sign off on the report prior to submission. Work term reports are to be submitted to your academic department by the 5th class day of the semester following your work term. Your Co-op Faculty Advisor will evaluate the report and grade it on a scale of: OutstandingVery GoodGoodSatisfactory, and Unsatisfactory. This grade will appear on your official transcript.

person works on a laptop computer

person outdoors with horse

person writing on notepad while on the phone in an office

Bachelor of Computing

Person looks at two computer screens, with code on them.

two people in yellow vests examining engine in factory

person in lab coat and gloves examines liquid

person in the forest holding one end of a measuring tape across a stream

Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice

Bachelor of One Health

  • One Health

person driving greens roller on turfgrass