Flexible Environmental Internship
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What is the Flexible Environmental Internship?
The Flexible Environmental Internship is an innovative program, which is comprised of an upper-year university credit course designed to teach job relevant skills and an internship with a host organization.
U of G is seeking to collaborate with host organizations located in Canada and internationally, to establish internships.
Internship Details
- 40-hour, unpaid internships that contribute to the environmental sector
- In workplace setting, with the potential for remote work
- Insurance liability for unpaid placements funded by the Ontario Ministry for Colleges and Universities
- Internships offered either in a concentrated period (i.e. 1 week) or part-time over several weeks/months
- Open to undergraduate and graduate students in:
- Ecology
- Environmental Biology
- Environmental Economics and Policy
- Environmental Geomatics
- Environmental Governance
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Science
- Environment and Resource Management
- Geography
Benefits for Employers
- Flexible internship model for employers
- Stronger talent pipelines for industry
- Opportunity to provide input on industry-relevant skills and needs
- Strategic partnership opportunity
If you are interested in becoming a partner or would like more information about the program, please contact Boris Martín (boris@uoguelph.ca). You may also find more information in the Terms of Participation for the Flexible Environmental Internship (PDF).