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There is considerable discussion about reducing emissions across the economy. Mike's guest this week suggests that there are real ways to reduce emissions from crop production without dramatic disruptions in production and that we continue to learn more about approaches. Dr Claudia Wagner-Riddle does say that it will require more management but that we can get there.

Mike's guest this episode is Lesley Kelly. Lesley talks about her farm, her path to farming, and her efforts through social media and blogging to help the broader public understand farmers and farming better. She also talks about some of the challenges of engaging broadly through these channels. Mike and Lesley also talk about mental health in agriculture, one of her passions.

For many the word hemp is synonymous with cannibis. The truth, however, is that hemp is a plant that grows without THC (the pyshchoactive ingredient in cannibis) and has a wide range of uses - from food to industrial fibre. To help draw back the curtain on the mystery of hemp, Mike chatted with Dr. Jane Kolodinsky, from the University of Vermont to get an introduction to the history, uses, and potential of hemp.

The pandemic has been tough on everyone but it has been especially tough on restaurants. While change for the industry was inevitable, this significant shock may catalyze some significant changes going forward. Food writer Corey Mintz has written a book - The Next Supper: The End of Restaurants as We Knew Then and What Comes After.

In this episode, Mike chats with Dr Beth Ventura about animal welfare. Beth is a teaching professor in animal welfare and behaviour at the University of Minnesota.