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This is the second conversation that Mike von Massow had with Chef Pam Fanjoy. The focus on Pam's culinary therapy program that provides both cooking skills and mental health and life skills support. She uses a kitchen as a context for an activity to help people relax and be somewhat distracted while dealing with broader issues.

Here is a new podcast episode -

Congratulations to Mitch Gingerich for winning the Student Poster Competition at the 11th Annual Canadian Agri-Food Policy Conference, which is hosted by the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society.

Congratulations to Livia Sente for winning the Policy Brief competition at the 11th Annual Canadian Agri-Food Policy Conference, and to Nicholas Bannon for placing second. Livia is a second year MSc student and Nicholas is in his third year BA in Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics program. Both will receive a paid internship at Agricultural and Agri-Food Canada!

In this episode, Mike has a conversation with Angela Straathof, a soil scientist with the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association. This is the first half of a longer conversation.