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The new issue of FARE Share is out.

CJAE Special Issue on COVID-19 and the Canadian Agriculture and Food Sectors: Thoughts from the Pandemic Onset

The food industry seems to be constantly evolving and adapting. This makes predicting future food trends difficult - but not impossible. Jo-Ann McArthur and her team at Nourish Food Marketing are experts on all things food and are up for the challenge.

We are experiencing unprecedented disruption to normal life and commerce in order to flatten the pandemic curve due to COVID-19.

Dairy farmers in Canada are being asked to dump milk as the processors to whom it is assigned cannot use it right now. This is difficult to understand in a time where we are seeing empty grocery stores shelves. In this blog post I discuss why this is happening.  Click here.

In this 18 minute podcast Alfons Weersink (UofG-FARE) and David Pannel (U of Western Australia) discuss the Limits of Profit Maximization as a Guide to Behavior Change, an article by Alfons Weersink and Murray Fulton published in February in Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy.

Dr. Kwaku Afesorgbor and graduate student Brendan McDougall present their research results on the importance of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) for expanding the market access for the Canadian Agri-Food sector. They show that FTAs vary widely in their impacts, as they are influenced by a complex and dynamic environment.