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Much to carnivores’ disappointment, nutritional research has long suggested a link between increased red meat consumption and elevated disease risk. This was the status quo until a team of researchers recently released a controversial study suggesting this link may not be as strong as was once believed. Cue debate among researchers and widespread consumer confusion and frustration.

Dr. Yu Na Lee, Dr. Michael von Massow and Laura Stortz, Graduate Students are in the Guelph news -

Dr. Rakhal Sarker presents on Monday Dec. 4th in Session 4 with a presentation titled "Intra Industry Trade of Selected Agri-Food Commodities between Canada and the United States: Did NAFTA Make a Difference?"

Scott Biden, Research Associate and Dr.  Alan Ker present on Monday Dec. 4th in Session 5 with a presentation titled "Impacts of Trade Liberalization in Canada’s Supply Managed Dairy Industry ."

Link to Info on 2019 IATRC Annual Meeting

He's talking about "How come free trade isn't actually free?

See episode 11 on this list:

Dr. Brady Deaton is hosting Kenneth Poon on this podcast which can be viewed here -



The Master of Science defence for Emma Burger took place on Thursday, December 12 at 10:00 am in Room 106,  Rozanski Hall.  The title of Emma's presentation is:  "Canadian Consumer Benefit & Risk Perseption of GM Food:  The Role of Emotion, Risk Attitudes and Information". 

Examination Committee

Kwaku Afesorgbor (Chair)

Tongzhe Li (External)

We often hear polarized opinions on the use of biotechnology in food. But why has this become such a contentious, often emotional, issue? In this episode, we sit down with Kevin Folta, Professor in the Department of Horticulture Sciences at the University of Florida to discuss how the conversation around biotechnology evolved to be what it is today, and how we can begin to change it.

'Raised without antibiotics', 'Hormone-free'… Have you ever wondered what these claims might mean for your health or for the health of farm animals? In this episode, we sit down with Steven Roche and Dan Shock from ACER consulting and address some of the confusion around antibiotic resistance.

Darcy MacDonell from Farmhouse Tavern in Toronto is running his restaurant a little differently. Tune into this week's podcast where we discuss Darcy's business practices, his restaurant and how the food-service industry is changing. To listen, please visit or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.