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Alan Ker is presenting in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M on March 22nd, 2019. Title of the talk “Crop Insurance Subsidies and the Rate of Technological Change in Agriculture”.


In this episode of the Food Focus podcast, Alfons Weersink and Mike von Massow have a conversation about supply management.

On Wednesday,  to Richards Building, Room 2520 – 101 Reynolds Walk, Guelph ON, you are invited to attend a panel discussion on the topic of "Farming on First Nations: Reconciling Business with Social Enterprise to Achieve Food Security".

Brady Deaton will be giving a keynote presentation on March 6, 2019 in Aberdeen, Scotland at the

As part of the release of the 2019 Food Focus Trends Report a summary article was published on the Conversation (  The trends report highlights six key items for 2019:

This new episode of the Food Focus podcast has Mike von Massow talking to Professor Jess Haines from Applied Nutrition.  Jess provides her perspective on the new Canada Food Guide.

As part of his new role as OAC Chair in Food System Leadership, Professor Mike von Massow has launched a website intended to explore issues relating to food.  It includes a blog, a podcast, and will be the primary home of the annual food trends report.  Check it out and subscribe to be notified of new content.


At the 2019 OCGA Annual Meeting on Tuesday, January 22, 2019,   9:30 am to 3:00 pm at the Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston

Dr. Alan Ker, discussed How Canadian Trade Policy Bunts Your Bottom Line.