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During the 2018 Welcome Back BBQ, Dr. Brady Deaton, Professor in FARE received the OAC Alumni Distinguished Extension Award.  Congratulations!


Liam Kelly and Karl Meilke have tackled the question, “What will the cannabis market look like in Ontario?” in Policy Options (Options Politiques) – The Public Forum for the Public Good.

Ontario is heading into uncharted economic waters with cannabis legalization. The experience in Colorado may hold some clues as to what lies ahead.  [Read more]

Title: Borrowing Information for Like DGPs in Nonparametric Density Estimation with Applications.

Mike von Massow wrote a piece about the NAFTA negotiations and the sticking points between Canada and the US.  He highlights dispute settlement and supply management for milk.  The piece was originally published at the -

At the recently held Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Awards ceremony in Washington D.C., Yu Na Lee, one of our new faculty members, was recognized with an Honorable Mention in the AAEA Outstanding Dissertation Award category.

The Canadian Agricultural Economics Society hosted its awards ceremony at their annual meeting in Vancouver on July 28th, 2018. These awards recognize research excellence in agricultural economics and related fields. A number of people from FARE were recognized for the quality of their research. This includes:

A team of three University of Guelph (U of G) undergraduate students placed first in the International Food and Agri-Business Management Association (IFAMA) student case competition this June in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The team consisted of food and agricultural business students Michelle Ragany and Hayden Fox, and biology and psychology student Sarah Preston.

Dr. Larry Martin, a past professor in the University of Guelph’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Business (now the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics) has been named a Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame 2018 inductee. 

Dr. Martin spent 18 years at the University of Guelph, with four of those years as department chair.

The Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) announced results of their 2018 Insight Grant competition. The department is thrilled to say that FARE faculty member Brady Deaton is a receipt of support through this competition. Brady will lead an interdisciplinary team that explores water issues on First Nations.