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This defence took place on April 29, 2022. The title of Jamie’s presentation is: “Financial Returns to Processing Tomatoes from Cover Crop Investment in Southwestern Ontario". 

Examination Committee

Mike von Massow (Chair)

Laura Van Eerd (External)

Alfons Weersink (Advisory Committee Member)

Getu Hailu (Committee Member)


Advisory Committee

Alfons Weersink (Advisor)

This defence took place on April 11, 2022. The title of Gabriela’s presentation is: “Relational Agreements and Rented Farmland: Implications for Agricultural Contracting and Land Stewardship". 

Advisory Committee

Jose Nuno-Ledesma (Co-Advisor)

Brady Deaton (Co-Advisor)

Mary Doidge (Committee Member)

This defence took place on Friday, December 10, 2021, at 1:00 pm. The title of Mark’s presentation is: “Effects on Time Spent in Green Space on Productivity". 

Examination Committee

Yu Na Lee (Chair)

Alfons Weersink (External)

Tongzhe Li (Advisory Committee Member)

Brady Deaton (Committee Member)


Advisory Committee

Tongzhe Li (Advisor)

This defence took place on Monday, September 13, 2021, at 2:30 pm. The title of Mark’s presentation is: “Consumers’ Preferences and Willingness to Pay for IMMUNEPLUS Dairy Products in Canada". 

Examination Committee

Alfons Weersink (Chair)

Yu Na Lee (External)

Mike von Massow (Advisory Committee Member)

John Cranfield (Advisory Committee Member)


Advisory Committee

This defence took place on Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 10:00 am. The title of Conor’s presentation is: “Measuring Preferences for Canadian Recreational Anglers to Fish on Watersheds Adopting Novel eDNA Toolkits: A contingent valuation approach". 

Examination Committee

Mike von Massow (Chair)

Getu Hailu (External)

Tongzhe Li (Advisory Committee Member)

Alfons Weersink (Committee Member)


This defence took place on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, at 2:00 pm. The title of Kareem’s presentation is: “Export Spells and Agri-food Exports. Evidence from Canada". 

Examination Committee

Jose Nuno-Ledesma (Chair)

Getu Hailu (External)

Kwaku Afesorgbor (Advisory Committee Member)

Yu Na Lee (Committee Member)


Advisory Committee

Kwaku Afesorgbor (Advisor)

This defence took place on Thursday, September 2, 2021, at 1:00 pm. The title of Danielle’s presentation is: “The Effects of Information and Network on Non-Point Source Pollution: A Laboratory Experiment". 

Examination Committee

Getu Hailu (Chair)

Brady Deaton (External)

Tongzhe Li (Advisory Committee Member)

Yu Na Lee (Committee Member)


Advisory Committee

This defence took place on Tuesday, August 31, 2021, at 9:30 am. The title of Kaiyuan’s presentation is: “The Effect of Multiple Component Pricing System on Productivity and Technical Efficiency of Ontario Dairy Farms". 

Examination Committee

Tongzhe Li (Chair)

Alfons Weersink (External)

Getu Hailu (Advisory Committee Member)

Brady Deaton (Committee Member)


This defence took place on Thursday, August 26, 2021, at 11:00 am. The title of Mitchell’s presentation is: “An Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Health Nudges in an Online Grocery Store Setting to Change Demand for Various Foods". 

Examination Committee

Alfons Weersink (Chair)

Andreas Boecker (External)

Mike von Massow (Advisory Committee Member)

Yu Na Lee (Committee Member)


This defence took place on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, at 10:00 am. The title of Livia’s presentation is: “The Nexus of Government Risk Management Subsidies, Rates of Technological Change, Yield Resiliency, and On-Farm Climate Change Adaptation". 

Examination Committee

Kwaku Afesorgbor (Chair)

Brady Deaton (External)

Alan Ker (Advisor)

Yu Na Lee (Committee Member)