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The Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics will be an active participant in the Second Annual Canadian Agricultural Policy Conference in Ottawa on January 11-13. The theme of this year’s conference is Growing Forward in a Volatile Environment and will explore the ways in which agricultural policy can address the impact of changing agri-food environments on markets, consumers and producers.

The Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics participated in the Second Annual Canadian Agricultural Policy Conference in Ottawa on January 11-13. The theme of this year’s conference is Growing Forward in a Volatile Environment and will explore the ways in which agricultural policy can address the impact of changing agri-food environments on markets, consumers and producers.

The final oral examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy for Predrag Rajsic was held on Thursday, December 15th, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 106, Rozanski Hall.

The title of Predrag's presentation is:  "Linking Comparative Advantage, Supply Management and Environmental Externalities: Lessons from an Integrative Economic Approach". 

Nicole Beechey's Master of Science defence took place on Wednesday, December 21st, 2011 at 9:00 am in Room 107, J.D. MacLachlan Building.  The title of her thesis is "Economic Assessment of Compliance Costs for Ontario Pig Producers Under Nutrient Management Regulations".

Ten undergraduate students have recently been selected to represent the University of Guelph at the 2012 Agri-Marketing Conference in Kansas City. 

On October 5, 2011, Spencer Henson is speaking about "Food Safety, Trade and International Markets" at McGill Institute for Global Food Security. 
Former PhD Grad Student, Danny Le Roy becomes Chair of Economics Department at Univ. of Lethbridge.  Danny Le Roy was supervised by Glenn Fox and graduated in 2002.  Congratulations Danny!

The final oral examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy for Claudia Schmidt took place on Thursday, August 25th, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 106, Rozanski Hall. 

The title of Claudia's presentation is:  "Assessing the Cost-effectiveness of Alternative Measures aimed at Reducing the Prevalence of Food-borne Microbiological Hazards". 

The final oral examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy for Tomas Rosada took place on Wednesday, August 24th, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 106, Rozanski Hall. 

The title of Tomas' presentation is:  "Structure and Dynamics of Economic Inequality in Guatemala".