All Events

Professor Michael Boehlje of Purdue University will present the Stewart Lane Commemorative Lectureship on Friday, Jan. 30th at 3:00 p.m. in OVC 1715. The title of his presentation is "Innovation in the Agricultural Industries: A Complex Adaptive System". All are welcome to attend this event.

The first seminar to be offered by the Dept. of FARE in 2009 will be presented by Dr. Timothy Beatty on Monday, January 19th at 2:30 pm.

Brady Deaton and Alfons Weersink are speaking about "Economy will impact environment policies: economist" in the Guelph Mercury.

WTO talks collapse over minor item: With billions at stake, differences came down to a few million in special safeguard measures

Alfons Weersink is speaking about "the latest farming trends" on CBC, January 6, 2009.

The Dept. of FARE's Brown Bag Lunch Series Seminar continues with Kumuduni Kulasekera presenting "What Explains the Variation Across Individuals in the Propensity to Undertake Health-Promoting Behaviours: An Economic Analysis". You are invited to attend this event on Thursday, December 11th, 12:30-1:30 in Room 319, J.D. MacLachlan. Please view the attached flyer for further details.

The next seminar to be presented as part of the Dept. of FARE's Fall Seminar Series will be given by David Hope on Friday, December 5th, 3:30-5:00 pm in Room 107, J.D. MacLachlan.  David's seminar is titled "Ag Policy, Is What We Learn Linked to What Happens?"  Please click here for further details.

Filip Cahlik's M.Sc. Thesis Defence and Final Examination was held on Tuesday, December 9th, 2008 at 9:00 to 11:00 am in Room 107, J.D. MacLachlan Building. The title of his thesis is "A Feasibility Study of a Soybean Peroxidase Extraction Facility Using Real Options".