
This post is an informative news items.

Recent Faretalk Podcast: “How Canada puts a price on Carbon”.

Dr. Brady Deaton is hosting Kenneth Poon on this podcast which can be viewed here -



New Podcast from Food Focus: Biotechnology – How can we change the tone?

We often hear polarized opinions on the use of biotechnology in food. But why has this become such a contentious, often emotional, issue? In this episode, we sit down with Kevin Folta, Professor in the Department of Horticulture Sciences at the University of Florida to discuss how the conversation around biotechnology evolved to be what it is today, and how we can begin to change it.

To listen, please visit or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

New Podcast from Food Focus: Antibiotic Resistance

'Raised without antibiotics', 'Hormone-free'… Have you ever wondered what these claims might mean for your health or for the health of farm animals? In this episode, we sit down with Steven Roche and Dan Shock from ACER consulting and address some of the confusion around antibiotic resistance.

To listen, please visit or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

New Podcast from Food Focus: Farmhouse Tavern

Darcy MacDonell from Farmhouse Tavern in Toronto is running his restaurant a little differently. Tune into this week's podcast where we discuss Darcy's business practices, his restaurant and how the food-service industry is changing. To listen, please visit or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

“Talking to Vegans” on the Food Focus Podcast

Mike von Massow, host of the Food Focus Podcast, recently sat down with a group of vegans to better understand their perspectives on what it means to be a vegan. A two-part, non-confrontational conversation took place and a variety of topics were covered. To listen, please visit the website or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Anna Chemeris and Dr. Alan P. Ker are speaking about "Insurance Subsidies, Technological Change, and Yield Resiliency in Agriculture".

The ACEA Conference 2019 was held October 18-20, 2019 at the Université de Moncton, in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Anna Chemeris and Dr. Alan P. Ker are speaking about "Insurance Subsidies, Technological Change, and Yield Resiliency in Agriculture".

Dr. Tongzhe Li is an Invited Speaker at the 2019 LGBTQ+ in STEM Conference

The LGBTQ+ in STEM Conference  will be at the University of Windsor on Friday, October 4th from 4 pm to Saturday, October 5th, 2019 at 10 pm.

For details please refer to

Dr. Tongzhe Li's topic is at


Johnston Hall Student Space Renovations Delayed, Scheduled to Open Late-September

If you are an OAC student and looking for study space at the beginning of the term, please see here

FARE Seminar by Dr. Ford Ramsey, Virginia Tech, on Bayesian Threshold Models for von Liebig Production Functions,

Everyone welcome to the FARE Seminar by Dr. Ford Ramsey, Virginia Tech, on Bayesian Threshold Models for von Liebig Production Functions, Friday, August 23, 1:30 p.m. in Room 107 MCLN.


New Faculty in the Department of FARE, Dr. Tongzhe Li.