In The News

FARE Staff has once again been featured in the news.

Dr. Brady Deaton speaks about farmland ownership and food security...

Dr. Brady Deaton was called to speak on his research about "Farmland Ownership and Food Security" in the Canadian Senate in Ottawa on February 19th, 2017! (He comes in at 9:12 am).

Dr. Brady Deaton speaks about farmland ownership and food security

Brady Deaton and Bethany Lipka in the Globe and Mail on water and First Nations

Our own Brady Deaton and Bethany Lipka had an op-ed piece in Monday's on-line edition of the Globe and Mail. The piece addresses issues related to boil water advisories and First Nations. Their findings draw on Bethany's M.Sc. thesis, which she completed in FARE in 2015. You can find the op-ed article thought the following link:

Should You Tip Your Waiter?

Michael von Massow discusses the topic of tipping in an interview with Susan McReynoldson on CBC's Ontario Morning show.

Listen to the podcast here -

Brady Deaton is speaking about "Farm it like you own it INVESTING IN RENTED LAND" in the Ontario Grain Farmer

Here it is "Farm it like you own it INVESTING IN RENTED LAND" in the Ontario Grain Farmer.

Professor Alfons Weersink comments on the changing face of Agriculture in Canada.

FARE researchers address water issues in First Nations communities.

A paper by Bethany Lipka (a graduate of FARE's MSc program and lecturer in the department) and Professor Brady Deaton in the journal Water Resources and Economics was the focus of a recent CBC news piece. Their research provided empirical evidence that First Nations that partner with nearby municipalities to supply their drinking water are less likely to have boil water advisories.

Sustainable Agribusiness case competition explores how technology can help smallholders in Africa...

Sustainable Agribusiness case competition explores how technology can help smallholders in Africa 

Andreas Boecker is speaking about "Food Safety Concerns Affects Consumer Confidence"...

Andreas Boecker is speaking about "The Debate Over GMO Labelling Heats Up"...

Andreas Boecker is speaking to the Canadian Grocer.  Read about "The Debate Over GMO Labelling Heats Up".

FARE Graduate Student, Jennifer Christie, has been listed on the Financial Post 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada...

FARE Graduate Student, Jennifer Christie, has been listed on the Financial Post 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada.  This is a huge accomplishment.  We can all be very proud of one of our outstanding graduates.  Please see the attached article from the Financial Post.