In The News

FARE Staff has once again been featured in the news.

Karl Meilke is in the News!

WTO talks collapse over minor item: With billions at stake, differences came down to a few million in special safeguard measures

The Latest Farming Trends on CBC

Alfons Weersink is speaking about "the latest farming trends" on CBC, January 6, 2009.

Guelph Food Panel

Consumers found hungry for functional food information

John Cranfield in the Ontario Farmer, October 28, 2008

A worldwide food crisis not inevitable!

Alfons Weersink and Brady Deaton are speaking about "A worldwide food crisis not inevitable" in the Toronto star, August 27, 2008.

Fair-trade column missed the mark, Guelph Mercury, August 21, 2008

Letter to the editor

Sean Field

Dear Editor - In his Aug. 14 column "Fair-trade coffee far from a fair deal," Gene Callahan is right about a few things but rather sensationalist and off the mark on others.

He argues that fair trade is a poverty trap that lures small farmers in low-income countries away from better paying jobs. However, fair trade aims to help farmers already growing particular crops, not lure new farmers, and establish a price floor to help them maintain a minimum standard of living.

Guelphites Going Green for Future Generations...

Sean Field, M.Sc. is speaking about "Guelphites going green for future generations".

Proposed Food Labelling Rules Under Fire

Dr. John Cranfield is speaking about - "Proposed Food Labelling Rules Under Fire " Article.

UN Summit Bids To End Food Crisis

Dr. Karl Meilke is speaking about "Rome meeting to urge nations to lift trade curbs and price controls to ease plight of poor".

First-Ever Study Reveals Consumers' Preferences for Organic Food