
Bethany Lipka

Research Associate & Project Coordinator


Office: J.D. MacLachlan room 324
Phone: 519-824-4120 ex.53667

Currently coordinating the SSHRC funded project: Collaborative Water Services Between First Nations and Municipalities in Ontario. This cross-institutional, interdisciplinary project aims to explore the potential scope for water sharing between First Nations and municipalities in the Province. The project website can be viewed at

Has worked as a Research Associate and Assistant in the Department of FARE since 2014, on a number of research programs, in various capacities. Topics include: Ontario farmland values and rental rates, First Nation land management, municipal - First Nation collaboration, and food security. 


Research Interests:

Natural resource governance, institutional economics, land economics, rural development, First Nation economic development, inter-local cooperation, food security



Bachelor of Arts, Honours – International Development, with an emphasis in rural and agricultural development (University of Guelph, 2012)

Master of Science – Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (University of Guelph, 2014)

  • Using a data set describing 804 First Nation water systems across Canada, my thesis empirically explored First Nation and municipal characteristics influencing participation in inter-local partnerships to share water, and assessed whether these partnerships reduced drinking water risk on reserves



Lipka, Bethany and B. James Deaton. 2015. Do Water Servicing Contracts with Neighbouring Communities Reduce Drinking Water Risk on Canadian Reserves? Water Resources and Economics, 11(2015): 22-32.

Deaton, B. James and Bethany Lipka. 2015. Political Instability and Food Security. Journal of Food Security, 3(1): 29-33.

Doidge, Mary, Deaton, B. James and Bethany Woods (maiden name). 2013. Institutional Change on First Nations: Examining Factors Influencing First Nations' Adoption of the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management. Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, 8(2): 70-78.

Woods (maiden name), Bethany. 2012. Links Between Food Price Behaviour and Nutrition in the Developing World. Studies by Undergraduate Researchers at the University of Guelph (SURG), 5(2): 51-62.



Do Water Provision Contracts with Neighbouring Communities Reduce Drinking Water Risk on Canadian Reserves?

  • Co-author and presenting author: American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, 2014) - recorded presentation available online here:
  • Co-author and presenting author: 67th Annual Canadian Water Resources Association Meeting (Hamilton, 2014)
  • Co-author: Canadian Economics Association and Canadian Agricultural Economics Association Joint Annual Meeting (Simon Fraser University, 2014)



Deaton and Lipka. 2016 (September 5th). Trudeau's water promise to First Nations is ours to own [op-ed]. Globe and Mail.