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Financial Services
Frequently Asked Questions for Finance
Frequently Asked Questions for Finance
Insurance Office
What do I do if I am in an accident?
Who do I report the accident to?
Is my personal property covered?
Who is permitted to drive University owned vehicles?
When can a University owned vehicle be used?
Do I have to fill out any forms?
Are there any restrictions when using University vehicles?
What is the deductible?
Who is responsible for the deductible?
Who can I rent from?
Are there forms that have to filled out and submitted?
What is a Loss Damage Waiver (L.D.W.)?
Do I need to purchase the rental company's insurance?
What is the difference between a rented vehicle and a leased vehicle?
Can I do "multiple" lines of coding on Supply Managed Contract Invoices?
When do I get a copy of a paid invoice?
Who corrects coding errors on Accounts Payable transactions?
How are HST rebates calculated?
When do I use a LVPO or a HVPO?
When do I use a cheque requistion or a coding sticker?
Where do I get cheque requisitions?
What is needed in Accounts Payable re: Petty Cash?
Can you provide an example of expense that is not meals, hospitality and incidental expenses?
Is supplier’s air fare okay to reimburse?
In terms of the expense rules for suppliers, it might have the opposite effect to the goal of controlling cost because suppliers will quote higher now due to the fact that they will not be paid for some of the expenses. How to handle that?
In terms of the expense reimbursement rule for suppliers, we know there will be some expenses that are inevitable in the project we are working on, what can we do in these situations?
For the reimbursement rules for suppliers, we have external committees that we always reimburse them for expenses. Do we need to follow the rules for them?
If a contract needs to be extended because the supplier can’t complete work on time with acceptable reason(s), the total spending remains the same, how to handle that?
Who has the responsibility to manage and document supplier performance and contract? Is there any form that we can use?
The Directive says all documentation related to procurement should be retained for 7 years. When I order over phone or online, sometimes I don’t have any documents. What should I do?
Can the cancellation/termination clause apply due to technology change?
Is there a maximum term for a contract or a purchase order?
For what type of purchases do we have to have a contract?
Who has the authority to enter into agreement /contract with suppliers?
Can researchers enter into contractual agreement with suppliers if they use their own grant?
We address the questions the supplier has during the debriefing process. What if they have more questions after debriefing? What is the process?
Does the supplier debriefing need to go through Purchasing Services?
Can the evaluation team have only one person?
Do members of evaluation team have to include members from Purchasing Services?
Can I setup evaluation criteria on geographic locations if I prefer local suppliers?
In a bid evaluation process, if a supplier submits exactly what we need plus “a little bit extra”, how to deal with it?
If members of evaluation team didn’t sign the Non Disclosure Agreement and the Conflict of Interest Statement, can they still provide their input at the evaluation stage of the project?
In terms of individual evaluations rolling into one team evaluation, do we need to disclose how we’re going to roll them up?
During the bid evaluation process, what is the process to roll into one evaluation from the independent evaluations done by each evaluation team member?
On the bid evaluation criteria, if I think of some criteria later and it’s missing from the bid document already posted, can I cancel the bid and do a new one so I can include the criteria?
Do we have to accept the lowest priced bid?
I have suppliers that I regularly interact with during my work. What should I do if suppliers ask me about bidding that is currently going on and I’m not part of the evaluation team?
During a competitive bidding process, I sign the confidentiality agreement. Can I disclose the information later once the bid process is over? Isn’t it that the supplier has right to know how much we spend anyway because we’re spending public funds?
While a RFP is open, can I contact suppliers to let them know about this? Who can notify them?
What happens if we don’t receive any bid to our RFP?
How to work with Purchasing Services on RFP process? Is there any template we can use?
There are a lot of rules about the competitive bidding process. If a team member makes a mistake, for example, receives a supplier’s phone call, what can we do?
How many suppliers do we have to invite when doing invitational competitive procurement? Is there any cap on the numbers?
What liability do I have on decisions like whether this is consulting or not?
We have company that provides financial management service for us, such as insurance. Sometimes we also ask them to provide strategic advice, which falls into consulting. Is it possible the same firm provides both services?
For studies that the results of it lead to decision making process as next step, are they considered consulting or professional service?
Is survey (Data Evaluation) considered consulting?
There is an object code for consultants specifically; would there be one for professional services?
If I bid on the original purchase of software, do I need to bid on the maintenance or renewal of the software?
On the Single Source/Sole Source Form, there is a scenario of “exceptionally advantageous circumstances”. I negotiated with my supplier and get an exceptionally good discount, can I select this?
If a supplier has worked with us to develop a prototype, do I have to open a bid for purchase of that product?
If I invited 3 suppliers or more to quote but only received one quote, and the other two suppliers declined to quote, should I use a Single Source Sole Source Form for this situation?
For the Single Source/Sole Source, some Professors are also the department chair, so they have the signing authority to approve single source sole source form. Do I need to get approval from higher level such as Dean?
Can the delegate by department signing authority sign the Single Source/Sole Source form?
If the funding agency requires us to use a specific supplier, how do I follow the competitive procurement rules on procurement?
Some of the programs in my area are not ministry funded programs. They are funded by the revenue generated by my department. Do I need to follow the Directive for spending on those programs?
Is shipping included in total purchase value?
Does the total purchase value include tax?
How do I calculate the total value for a purchase over a period of time? What about possible extension of a contract?
The Directive says we must not split one purchase into several purchases to circumvent the competitive procurement thresholds. But I know this is happening sometimes in my area. What can I do?
Is approval authority linked to individual signing authority?
In my department, we sometimes don’t cut Purchase Orders, we put GL coding on the invoices and send to AP for payment. Is that still OK?
We are responsible for installation of the equipment, which has been purchased by other departments before I’m involved. Am I responsible for the whole purchase decision?
Why does the government put forward these specific requirements? Is there any reason behind it?
I purchase services from other departments of the University of Guelph. Does the Directive apply to these purchases?
Is there any consequence for the Organization for not being compliant with the Directive? Is there any liability for individual who doesn’t follow the Directive?
Do we need to follow the Directive right away?
We are the administrative staff in my department and we are aware of the related policies and procedures. But some faculty and staff in my area don’t recognize the importance of these changes. What should we do?
Treasury Operations FAQ
How Can I transfer a Departmental Charge that is actually PDR?
How can I switch my Payroll Cheque to Direct Deposit (or what happens if I lose my pay cheque)?
My department information system has a credit card number field in the payment information screen – what do I need to input?
I am holding a credit card number on file as a “security deposit”. How long should I keep this information?
Can I keep someone’s credit card number on file if I’m going to be billing them again in the future; if so are there special instructions, what do I do once the billing cycle is over?
What should I do if the signature on the card presented doesn’t match the signature on the sales draft?
What should I do if the card presented is unsigned?
How should I dispose of carbon copy merchant sales drafts?
How often should I close off the terminal?
Can we ask for credit card information to be sent by mail?
What should I record on a credit card sales draft?
How long should I retain the card holder’s information?
What should I do when I receive credit card information over the phone?
What are the costs associated with Credit Card payments?
What is MiraPay?
Why use MiraPay?
How does a Department get started?
How do I get my new Internet Merchant Number?
What bill or receipt is required documenting the customer's web purchase?
How does the department deposit the web payments to Treasury Operations?
How do I synchronize my internet payments collected on MiraPay with my deposit to Revenue Control?
When do I use a cheque requistion or a coding sticker?
Where do I get cheque requisitions?
Petty Cash
What is needed in Accounts Payable re: Petty Cash?
Research Finance
There are currently no FAQs listed for Research Financial Services.
Investement Management
There are currently no FAQs listed for the Investment Management area
Controller's Office
There are currently no FAQs listed for the Controller's Office
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