The Purchasing Policy [1] provides the framework, general principles and overall guidance for sourcing and purchasing goods and services.
All purchases must be authorized and approved by the appropriate authority as defined by the General Policy - Delegation of Authority for Commitment of University Funds Upon Budget Allocation [2] and the Signing Authority Register.
In general, 3 of the 5 purchasing functions below should be completed by different people for each purchase.
Role | Activity | Responsible Person |
Requisition | Authorize the budget unit to place an order | Department budget authority, research principle investigator or authorized delegate |
Budget | Ensure that funding is available to cover the cost of the order | Department budget authority, research principle investigator or authorized delegate |
Commitment | Authorize the release of the order to the supplier under agreed terms | Buyer in department or Purchaing Services |
Receipt | Receive the order physically and verify the order is correct and complete | Department individual receiving the goods or confirming services have been provided |
Payment | Approve invoices and authorize release of payment to the supplier | Departmental budget authority, Payment Services staff and University signing officers |
Purchases must be compliant with the following sourcing and contracting requirements specified below.
1. Goods and Non-Consulting Services
Total Procurement Value (CAD) | Sourcing Requirements |
Placing the Order |
$0 to $25,000 | 1 quote |
One of the following:
$25,000 to $75,000 | Minimum of 2 written quotes | One of the following:
$75,000 to $121,000 | Minimum of 3 written quotes | One of the following:
Over $121,000 | Open competitive procurement run by Purchasing Services | Purchase order issued by Purchasing Services (HVPO) |
A: Sole Source / Single Source purchases can be made only when supported by a documented exemption as stated in the applicable trade treaties.
2. Consulting Services
Total Procurement Value (CAD) | Sourcing Requirements | Placing the Order |
$0 to $25,000 | Minimum of 2 written quotes (invitational competitive procurement) B |
Low value purchase order issued by department financial administrators under $5,000 High value purchase order issued by Purchasing Services over $5,000 |
$25,000 to $121,000 | Minimum of 3 written quotes (invitational competitive procurement) B | High value purchase order issued by Purchaing Services |
Over $121,000 | Open competitive procurement run by Purchasing Services B | High value purchase order issued by Purchaing Services |
B: Sole Source / Single Source purchases of consulting services below $1,000,000 require approval of the President; over $1,000,000 requires approval of the Board of Governors.
3. Special Commodities
Total Procurement Value (CAD) | Sourcing Requirements (How to Select Supplier) |
Contracting Requirements (How to Place Order) |
$0 to $25,000 | 1 quote | Purchase order issued by Purchasing Services (HVPO |
Over $25,000 | Same requirements as for Goods and Non-Consulting Services | Same requirements as for Goods and Non-Consulting Services |