Driving University of Guelph Owned or Rented Vehicles or other Forms of Transportation
Employees, students and volunteers must comply with the University of Guelph policies and procedures when driving or using University-owned, leased or rented vehicles while conducting University business.
If you have further questions after reviewing this website, please do not hesitate to contact us
- Territory: Canada & the continental U.S.
- Types of Coverage:
- This policy includes insurance for university-owned and licensed motor vehicles and trailers.
- It includes liability insurance (damage to the property of others/individuals) as well as collision and theft.
- University-owned vehicles which carry hazardous goods are covered, if they are carded in accordance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods legislation, and if they are listed as a "Hazardous Good Vehicle" with the Insurance Office.
- Deductible: $1000 except for heavy commercial vehicles which is $2500. The deductible will be charged back to the department .
- Drivers: Employees, students and volunteers may drive University vehicles with the appropriate license and once they have become approved University drivers .
- Passengers:
- passengers are not usually allowed in University vehicles unless they are employees or others necessary to complete the University business for which the vehicle is being operated.
- Hitchhikers must not be picked up or carried at any time.
- Exclusions (items not covered):
- Personal property of the driver or occupants;
- UofG property located inside or carried outside of the vehicle
- Normal wear and tear on the vehicle or trailer;
- Parking & traffic violations.
- Special Condition of the Insurance Program:
- University-owned motor vehicles cannot be driven outside of Canada and the continental United States.
- Insurance coverage for collision may be void if the driver is found legally impaired;
- Insurance coverage may be void if open alcohol or illegal drugs are found in the vehicle;
- Insurance coverage may be void if the vehicle is used for any illicit or prohibited trade or transportation;
- PLEASE NOTE: the individual signing out a vehicle and/or the driver may be held legally responsible for charges and/or litigation resulting from vehicle misuse (which includes, but is not limited to, any of the Special Conditions listed herein).
For information regarding policies, procedures & legislation relating to driving or vehicles, please go to University-Owned/Leased Licensed Vehicle .
If you require assistance in this area, please contact us