It is a mandatory requirement of the University's Purchasing Policy that the University is to use a competitive procurement process to acquire goods or non-consulting services valued at $25,000 and over, and consulting services regardless of dollar value. It is also a mandatory requirement of the BPS Procurement Directive and the applicable trade agreements that the University is to publicly tender the procurement of goods or services valued at $121,000 and over.
However, it is recognized that in exceptional circumstances, only one supplier may be able or capable of providing the goods or services. In these circumstances, the University must justify a non-competitive procurement using one of the limited tendering or non-application provisions in the applicable trade agreements.
For the list of the provisions that are relevant to the University procurements, please refer to Non-Competitive Procurement Provisions [1].
For provisions that could have different interpretations, department procurement authorities shall contact Purchasing Services for guidance prior to using the provision in your justification.
For procurement valued at $121,000 and over, it is highly recommended that department procurement authorities contact Purchasing Services before making any procurement decisions utilizing a non-competitive process.
Non-Competitive Procurement Justification form is required for the non-competitive procurement of:
For an example of completed Non-Competitive Procurement Justification, please refer to Sample of Completed Non-Competitive Procurement Justification [2].