Travel Arrangements by Direct Payment (Coding)
The Travel Authorization Form can be used to book flights through Royal City - Carlson Wagonlit Travel Agency for work or research purposes. This allows payment by financial coding directly.
Contact the travel agency to make your arrangements and determine the cost.
Royal City Carlson Wagonlit Travel Agency
(519) 763-3520
- Complete the Travel Authorization Form and include the cost provided by the travel agency as well as the amount to be authorized (usually a higher amount).
- Obtain authorization signatures
- Scan and email the completed form to the travel agency
- Provide a copy of the authorized form and quote to the Financial Clerk
- Retain the original authorized form to include as attachment to any Travel and Expense Claim form used for additional trip expenses. Inidicate 'previously paid' for the flight on the claim.
The Advance Request form can be used to provide funds before a trip. The actual expenses are filed with the Expense Claim System (ECS) within 30 days of the end date indicated on the Advance Request form.
Some helpful tools:
Meal Log to track your claimable expenses.