Three Students Chosen to Represent Guelph at the YHS in Switzerland
Prof. Justin Taillon's HTM*1000 course served as the backdrop for this year's Young Hotelier Summit (YHS) contestant presentations on January 14th. Six HTMers presented topics ranging from the changing role of generation Y to social media in modern hotel organizations. Hildegard Van Niekerk, Ashley Ferreira, and Julie Ridlington were chosen to represent the University of Guelph at this year's YHS in Lausanne, Switzerland, based upon their presentations. They were chosen by a five-panel membership consisting of FRHI (formerly Fairmont) and Starwood representatives as well as YHS alumni from past years. The photograph shows the three students selected this year and the Director of the School of HTM, Dr. Joe Barth. Joe Barth will be joining the students this year in Lausanne as the faculty representative.