Karen Racine

Ph.D, Tulane University, New Orleans
M.A., Tulane University, New Orleans
B.A., University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
2022- Fellow, Royal Historical Society, UK (FRHisH)
2019- Full Professor, University of Guelph, Canada
2021- Commissioning Editor with Leo Garofalo and Gabriel Paquette, Atlantic Crossings book series, University of Alabama Press
2020- Research cluster member, Programa de Estudios sobre la Comunidad Británica en America Latina (PECBAL) at Universidad de San Andrés Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
2019- Affiliated Faculty, Programa en Historia de la Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile
2018 Visiting Scholar, Latin American Center, Oxford University UK
2016- Research Cluster member, Imprensa e Circulação de Ideias: O Papel de Jornais e Revistas nos Séculos XIX e XX (Isabel Lustosa, primary investigator), Instituto Ruy Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro
2014-18 Commissioning Editor, Atlantic World Field, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History
2006 Visiting Scholar, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London
2003-19 Associate Professor, University of Guelph, Canada
2001-02 Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores - Mexico
Instituto de Investigaciones Dr José María Luis Mora, Mexico City
1999-2000 NEH Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
1997-2003 Assistant Professor, Valparaiso University, Indiana
Latin America
British Cultural Influence in the Independence era
Atlantic World 1750-1850
travel, exile, national identity, patriotism, liberation
Robert Southey and the Luso-Hispanic World
Joel R. Poinsett in South America
Francisco Xavier Mina (biography)
Most of my work centers on the history and culture of the revolutionary independence period throughout Latin America and the Atlantic World. I am interested in issues of cross-cultural contact, national identity formation, and the creation of patriotic civic cultures from 1780-1830. Currently, I am completing a book called The Mansion House of Liberty: London's Spanish American Community 1808-1829. This project traces the effect of extended foreign residence on the Spanish Americans' sense of national identity, and documents the tremendous intellectual and cultural influence that Great Britain exerted upon their vision of post-independent nationhood. I am also finishing a general history that will be called Emancipations: Latin American Independence in a Global Context.
Co-editor with Gregorio Alonso, Interview with the Liberator: Nine Momentous Meetings that Changed Simón Bolívar’s Life. University of New Mexico Press, forthcoming 2025.
Co-editor with Graham Lloyd, James A. Brush's Memoir of the Mina Expedition to Liberate Mexico, 1817. University of New Mexico Press, 2020
Co-editor with Beatriz Mamigonian (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil), The Human Tradition in the Atlantic World, 1500-1850. Lanham MD: Rowman Littlefield, 2010.
Co-editor with Beatriz Mamigonian (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil), The Human Tradition in the Black Atlantic, 1500-2000. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield, 2009.
Francisco de Miranda: A Transatlantic Life in the Age of Revolution 1750-1816. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 2002.
Co-editor with Ingrid E. Fey (UCLA). Strange Pilgrimages: Travel, Exile, and National Identity in Latin America 1800-1990s. Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 2000.
“The Ex-Emperor in Exile: Agustín de Iturbide in London, 1824” in Kirsten McKenzie and Jan C. Jansen, eds. Mobility and Coercion in an Age of War and Revolutions,1750-1830. Cambridge UP, 2023. pp. 258-279.
“Deferred But Not Avoided: Great Britain and Latin American Independence” in Wim Klooster, ed. Cambridge History of the Atlantic Revolutions. Cambridge UP, 2023. III: 399-436
“Brothers in Arms: Freemasonry and Latin American Independence” in Cristina Soriano and Marcela Echeverri, eds. Cambridge Companion to Latin American Independence. Cambridge UP, 2023, pp. 168-186.
“History and the Transatlantic Imagination: Robert Southey and his History of Brazil” in Ana Peluffo and Ronald Briggs, eds. Latin American Literature in Transition. Cambridge UP, 2022.
"Leitura, escrita e romantismo: Robert Southey e viagens biográficas no mundo luso-hispânico” in Imprensa, história e literatura: o jornalista escritor. Isabel Lustosa and Rita Godet, eds. Rio de Janeiro: Casa Rui Barbosa, 2021.
“Matters of Life and Death: Biographies at the Beginning of Independent Mexico, 1820s.” The Oxford Handbook of Mexican History William Beezley, ed. (July 2020) DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190699192.013.11
"Xavier Mina. A Transitional Man between Spain and America, 1789-1817." Revista Intellèctus 19, no.1 (2020): 44-62.
"Newsboys: Latin American Patriot Children and ‘The Hazelwood Magazine’ in Birmingham, England, 1820s” Estudos Ibero-Americanos 46, no.2 (May-August 2020): 1-15.
“Monitors and Moralists: The Lancasterian System of Mutual Education and the Vision of a New Moral Order in Spanish America, 1818-1832" History of Education 49, no.2 (2020): 143-159.
“Bolívar and Friends: Recent Biographies of Independence Figures in Colombia and Venezuela” History Compass (March 2020): 1-11. DOI: 10.1111/hic3.12608
“Newsprint Nations: Spanish American Publishing in London, 1808-1827," in The Foreign Political Press in Nineteenth-Century London: Politics from a Distance, edited by Constance Bantman and Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva (London: Bloomsbury, 2018), 15-32
"Proxy Pasts: The Use of British Historical References in Spanish American Independence Rhetoric, 1808-1828." English Historical Review 132, no.557 (August 2017): 863-884
“Loss, Loneliness and Liberation: Juan Pablo Viscardo y Guzmán and the Formation of American Identity in Exile (1768-1798),” Dieciocho 39, no.1 (Spring 2016): 129-52
"'The Childhood Shows the Man': Latin American Children in Great Britain, 1790-1830," The Americas 72, no 2 (April 2015): 279-308.
“Fireworks over Fernandina: The Atlantic Dimension of the Amelia Island Episode, 1817," in La Florida: 500 Years of Hispanic Presence, edited by Viviana Díaz-Balsera and Rachel A. May (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 2014), 171-191.
“Message by Massacre: Venezuela’s War to the Death, 1810-1814,” Journal of Genocide Studies 15, no.2 (May 2013): 201-17.
“Francisco de Miranda y Thomas Jefferson: vidas paralelas en el mundo atlántico” Historia 20/10. Issue title: El mundo atlántico y la modernidad iberoamericana 1750-1850. Roberto Breña and Roberto González Manterola, eds. 1 (Noviembre 2012): 183-195.
"Puritans, Patriots and Protectors: The Relevance of Oliver Cromwell and his Regime for Spanish Americans during the Independence Era,1808-1826," in Cromwell's Legacy, edited by Jane A.Mills (Manchester University Press, 2012), 257-77.
"Patriots-in-Training: Spanish American Children at Hazelwood School in England during the 1820s," Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education 40, no.4 (2010): 495-509.
"'This England and This Now': British Cultural and Intellectual Influence in the Spanish American Independence Era." Hispanic American Historical Review 90, no.3 (August 2010): 423-54.
“Las experiencias escolares de Alberto Masferrer,” El Faro Académico (El Salvador) www.elfaro.net (March 2010). http://www.elfaro.net/es/201003/opinion/1328/
“Death, Destiny and the Daily Chores: Everyday Life in Spanish America during the Wars of Independence” in Daily Life in Latin America from the Wars of Independence to the Drug Wars, Pedro Santoni, ed. (Westport CT: Greenwood, 2008).
“Commercial Christianity: The British and Foreign Bible Society's Interest in Spanish America, 1805-1830." Bulletin of Latin American Research 27, Suppl. no.1 (2008): 70-87.
“Oliverio Cromwel: The Invocation of his Image and Memory in Spanish American Independence Era Rhetoric, 1808-1826.” Cromwelliana Series II, no.4 (2007): 12-24.
“Imported Englishness: Henry Christophe's Educational Program in Haiti, 1811-1820" in Learning from Abroad: The Reception of Liberalism in Education, Religion and Morality in Post-Colonial Latin America, Marcelo Caruso and Eugenia Roldán-Vera, eds. London: Peter Lang, 2007, 205-230.
"Rum, Recruitment and Revolution: Alcohol and the Irish and English Legions in the Colombian War for Independence, 1817-1823." Irish Migration Studies in Latin America 4, no.2 (March 2006): 45-53.
"Love in the Time of Liberation: Francisco de Miranda’s Relationship to the Female Sex." In Francisco de Miranda: Exile and Enlightenment, John Lynch and Malcolm Deas. eds. London: Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, 2006, pp.88-115.
“Simón Bolívar, Englishman: Elite Responsibility and Social Reform in Spanish American Independence.” In Simón Bolívar: Essays on the Life and Legacy of the Liberator, Lester Langley and David Bushnell, eds. Boulder, CO: Rowman Littlefield, 2007, pp.55-72.
"Anahuac's Angry Apostle: Fray Servando Teresa de Mier Noriega y Guerra, 1765- 1827" in The Human Tradition in Mexico, Jeffrey M. Pilcher, ed. (Wilmington DE: Scholarly Resources, 2002).
"X-Ray of the Republic: Venezuelan General Francisco de Miranda Views Boston Life,1783-1784" Wasafiri: British Journal of Travel and Cultural Studies 34 (Fall 2001): 29-34.
"A Community of Purpose: British Cultural Influence During the Spanish American Wars of Independence, 1815-1823" in English Speaking Communities in Latin America, edited by Oliver Marshall (London: ILAS/ St.Martin's, 2000).
"Britannia's Bold Brother: British Cultural Influence in Haiti During the Reign of Henry Christophe, 1811-1820." Journal of Caribbean History 30 (October 1999): 125-45.
"Alberto Masferrer and the Vital Minimum: The Life and Thought of a Salvadoran Journalist, 1868-1932," The Americas 54, no.2 (October 1997): 209-37.
2024 Legacy Research Fellowship, American Antiquarian Society, Worcester MA
Fall 2018 Visiting Scholar, Latin American Centre, Oxford University UK
2017-18 Visiting Research Fellowship, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin
2015-16 Andrew W. Mellon Research Fellowship, Huntington Library CA
2015 UGFA Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching in the College of Arts
2013-14 Mellon Fellowship, Library Co. of Philadelphia and Historical Society of Pennsylvania
2012 Robertson Prize, best article in Hispanic American Historical Review (honorable mention)
2008 Student Senate Caucus Excellence in Teaching Award
2005-8 SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 3 years funded with research leave
2005-6 Irish-Latin American Research Fund Award
2004-5 Paul McQuillen Fellowship, John Carter Brown Library
2001-2 Govt of Mexico, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
1999-2000 NEH Visiting Fellow, John Carter Brown Library
1999 Everett Helm Research Fellowship, Lilly Library, Indiana University
1998 Lewis Hanke Prize (Conference of Latin American Historians) Honorable Mention
1997 Lilly Foundation Course Development Grant
1992-93 Pew Charitable Trust Fellowship, Grad Student Teachers
1992 Tinker Summer Research Fellowship