Kimberley Martin

Ph.D. Library and Information Science, University of Western Ontario, 2016
M.A. Library and Information Science, University of Western Ontario, 2010
M.A. History, University of Guelph, 2005
B.A. English & History, University of Windsor, 2003
University of Guelph, Department of History, 2019-
University of Guelph, Department of History, Post-Doctoral Researcher 2016-2019
- serendipity in the historical research process
- digital history
- digital humanities
- gender and technology
- role of Makerspace in academia
articles and book chapters
with Anabel Quan-Haase, “The Role of Agency in Historians’ Experiences of Serendipity in Physical and Digital Information Environments,” Journal of Documentation 72, no. 6 (2016).
with Anabel Quan-Haase and Kathleen Schreurs, “Interviews with Digital Seniors: ICT Use in the Context of Everyday Life,” Information, Communication & Society 19, no. 5 (2016): 691–707.
with Desrochers, N., Laplante, A., Quan-Haase, A., and Spiteri, L., "Illusions of a ‘Bond’: Tagging Cultural Products across Online Platforms," Journal of Documentation, forthcoming.
with Compton, B, and Hunt, R., "Disrupting Dichotomies: Mobilizing Digital Humanities with the MakerBus," in Making Humanities Matter (a Debates in the Digital Humanities volume), edited by Jentery Sayers, forthcoming.
with Quan-Haase, A., and McCay-Peet, L., "Networks of digital humanities scholars: The informational and social uses and gratifications of Twitter," Big Data and Society (Jan-June 2015): 1-12.
with Quan-Haase, A., and Schreurs, K., "Not all on the same page: E-book adoption and technology exploration by seniors," Information Research 19, no. 2 (2014), paper 622.
with Quan-Haase, A., "La Fiesta de Santo Tomás as a technology of culture: memory, carnival, and syncretism in the modern Guatemalan identity," in Braun, Harald E. & J. Pérez-Magallón (Eds.), The Transatlantic Hispanic Baroque: Complex Identities in the Atlantic World. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2014.
with Quan-Haase, A., “The Impact of Digital Resources on Scholarship in the Digital Humanities,” Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (IGI Global, 2014).
with Quan-Haase, A., "Digital Curation and the Networked Audience of Urban Events: Expanding La Fiesta de Santo Tomás from the Physical to the Virtual Environment," International Communication Gazette 75 (August-October 2013): 521–537.
with Quan-Haase, A., "Are e-books substituting print books? Tradition, serendipity, and opportunity in the adoption and use of e-books for historical research and teaching," Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 64, no. 5 (2013): 1016-1028.
with Quan-Haase, A., "Rethinking tradition: The loss of serendipity and the impact of technology on the historical research process," Proceedings of the iConference 2012, February 7-11, Toronto.
with Quan-Haase, A., "Seeking knowledge: An exploratory study of the role of social networks in the adoption of Ebooks by historians," Proceedings of ASIS&T 2011 (American Society for Information Science and Technology), October 9-13, New Orleans.
with Quan-Haase, A., "Seeking knowledge: The role of social networks in the adoption of Ebooks by historians," Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Information Science Annual Meeting 2012, June 1- 4, Fredericton, NB.