Awards & Financial Aid (Graduate Studies) | College of Arts

Awards & Financial Aid (Graduate Studies)

Our graduate students receive generous, guaranteed funding packages with their offer of admission.

  • MA students receive funding over up to 4 semesters
  • PhD students receive funding over 12 semesters

In both cases, they may be made up of:

  • a variety of tuition and research scholarships 
  • graduate teaching assistantships
  • opportunities to apply for periodic awards for travel and research
  • external funding applications, which may be supported by faculty guidance and reference letters

After the guaranteed funding period, students are still eligible to apply for bursaries, scholarships, grants and on-campus employment (including TAships).

Seeking external funding (for instance, SSHRC and OGS)? Visit Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies external awards.

Note: John Galt, Helen O’Reilly, Scottish Studies Foundation, and some other scholarships and bursaries are awarded according to financial need through Student Financial Services. Additionally, some of the awards below require application, while others do not. Please confirm in the official awards listing on the Student Financial Services site.

Graduate Awards

After students have been admitted to Guelph’s graduate History programs, there are a number of scholarships they may consider - some from the Department and some from the wider university. Some of these awards assist with research costs associated with travel such as that associated with archival investigations. If the awards are marked ACCESS, they require an application to Student Financial Services using an In-course Need Assessment Form.

The below awards are only a selection of awards available to History Graduate Students. Students are encouraged to refer to the Student Financial Services Graduate Award Search resource to confirm each award details and to find additional funding opportunities.


2022 Update: Please refer to the Student Financial Services for recent updates regarding Travel Grants, particularly with respect to suspension of international travel due to COVID-19 restrictions:


Department of History Graduate Essay Prizes [Award I5647]

  • Graduate students who have written (i) an outstanding thesis, (ii) an outstanding major paper, and (iii) an outstanding course essay during the preceding twelve months. Students do not apply; all theses and major papers will be considered. Instructors will nominate course essays. Prizes may not be given out in each category every year.

  • Value: up to three awards of $100 each

  • 2023-24 recipients:

    • Best thesis: Madison Hendricks

    • Best MRP: Dylan Parry-Lai

    • Best Course Essay: N/A

Tri-University Annual Conference Essay Prizes

  • PhD Prize given to the best paper published by a doctoral student in the previous calendar year.

  • MA Prize is awarded to the best paper written for a Tri-University MA seminar in the previous fall term.

Tri-University Doctoral Program Annual Prize for the Best Historiographical Paper [I5674]:

This $100 prize will be awarded each fall to the graduate student in the Tri-University doctoral program in History who has authored the highest quality historiographical paper submitted in a Tri-university seminar during the previous Fall, Winter, or Spring semesters. The selection committee may decide not to give the award in any year where, in the committee's judgement, there is not a paper of sufficiently high quality. Selection will be made by the Program Coordinating Committee.

Tri-University Doctoral Program Annual Prize for the Best Scholarly Paper or Article [I5675]:

A $100 prize will be awarded each fall to the graduate student in the Tri-University Program in History who has authored the best scholarly paper or article submitted for consideration by a conference or journal during the preceding academic year. Apply to the Chair, Department of History, by Sept. 1, submitting a copy of the paper or article and proof of its submission to a journal or conference. Selection will be made by the Program Coordinating Committee.

Carole Stewart Arts Graduate Scholarship [Award E5911]

  • Established in recognition of Carole Stewart’s contributions to the College of Arts from 1966 to 2001, including terms as Chair of the Department of Philosophy, from 1985 to 1992, and Dean from 1993 to 2001.The award will be given based on highest academic average and will be rotated among programs in the following order: the School of Languages and Literatures, the School of Fine Art and Music, the Department of History, the Department of Philosophy and the School of English and Theatre Studies. No application is required.

  • Full-time students entering any graduate program offered by the College of Arts.

  • Value: 1 award of $3,500

  • Past recipients: Henrique Silva Paiane (2021)

Lambda Foundation Scholarship in LBGT Studies [Award I5033]

  • This scholarship has been provided to encourage research on the subject of lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgendered (LBGT) peoples. The scholarship is based upon areas of research pertaining to the history, contributions, and issues by or about LBGT peoples. Preference will be given to an applicant who is involved in the LBGT community as shown by a record of volunteer activities, active civil society memberships, or as attested by a letter of recommendation from a community group, or as demonstrated by related previous academic pursuits. Projects must have been completed or research proposals accepted within the past calendar year. Apply to the Dean of Arts by December 15 including the research proposal or completed project, curriculum vitae, and any supporting letters referencing involvement in the LBGT community and/or faculty support. This scholarship may be held by a student only once.

  • Students enrolled in a graduate program with a thesis, a research proposal, essay, independent research project or course work programs pertaining to LBGT studies, as broadly defined by the applicant.

  • Value: 1 award of $1,000

John Galt Scholarships [Award Z5706]

  • The John Galt Scholarships were established to attract the most promising graduate students to the MA and PhD programs in History. One scholarship of $3,000 will be awarding to a student registered in the MA or PHD program offered by the Department of History with greatest financial need. Apply by letter with a completed Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by January 10. ACCESS AWARD.

  • Students registered in the MA or PhD program offered by the Department of History with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students registered in their first year of the program. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

William and Nona Heaslip Graduate Bursary [Award Z5941]

  • Apply by January 10 by submitting a Financial Need Assessment Form to Student Financial Services and include a thesis summary. Selection will be based on the student who demonstrated the greatest financial need. ACCESS AWARD.

  • Students registered in the MA or PhD program in History with demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF/OTSS award. Preference will be given to a student whose primary research is on Rural History.

  • Value: 1 award of $5,000

Ruth and Eber Pollard Doctoral Scholarships in History [Award E5677]

  • Ruth and Eber Pollard were passionate supporters of Canadian history research and in their estate they endowed funds to establish the Pollard Doctoral Scholarships in History. Preference will be given to students studying Canadian history. Selection will be based on high academic achievement and research performance, as demonstrated by transcripts, publication record and participation in scholarly activities such as conferences and symposia. No application is necessary.

  • Students entering full-time doctoral study in History in May, September or January following the deadline date with a minimum cumulative average of 80% over their graduate studies.

  • Value: 2 awards of $10,500 (payable over 3 semesters of study)

  • Past recipients: Sara Wilmshurst (2024), Matthew Edwards (2022), Emily Kaliel (2020), Rebecca Brain (2019), Thomas Littlewood & Amy Beingessner (2017), Kesia Kvill & Brandon Mendonca (2016), Jianda Yuan (2015), Login Fromm & Erin Schuurs (2014), John Shanko & Marian Toledo-Candelaria (2013), Alice Glaze & Marjorie Hopkins (2012)

Alastair J. Durie Research Travel Grant [Award T5975] -- DISCONTINUED as of 2025

  • Established by Dr. Kevin James in honour of Alastair J. Durie, pre-eminent scholar of Scottish tourism history and valued advisor to Guelph MA students. Selection will be based on academic standing, a research statement indicating the relation of the trip to the project and feasibility of proposed budget relating to travel costs. Apply by February 1, to the graduate office in the Department of History and include a budget, description of the travel and a research statement indicating the relation of the trip to the project.

  • Students registered in any Master’s or Doctoral programs who are required to travel for research to access historical texts. Preference for students specializing in tourism history.

  • Value: 1 award of $1,000

Helen O'Reilly History Scholarship [Award Z5928]

  • Established in honour of Helen O' Reilly, a mother who entered university as a mature student and went on to pursue graduate studies in history. Apply by January 10 to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form. ACCESS AWARD.

  • Graduate students registered with the Department of History with superior academic standing and demonstrated financial need. Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OSOTF award (see General Statements on Awards).

  • Award: 1 award of $1,000

Stanley Saunders Scholarship for Music [I8009]

  • Matched by the University Graduate Scholarship Matching Program, this scholarship is provided through a generous bequest from Dr. Richard Carlton, faculty member in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology from 1972 to December, 1990. Selection is based on the quality of the proposal, the research findings of which are expected to be publishable in recognized humanities and/or social science journals. Preference will be given to research relating to the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods of music up to 1900. Apply to Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies by March 1st, with an outline of the intended research, a curriculum vitae, and a detailed budget for the entire research project. Travel costs for a research project are an acceptable budget item.

  • For thesis graduate students whose research focus is furthering the fundamental understanding of the nature and function of music in human society.

  • Value: 1 award of $6,000

International Doctoral Tuition Scholarship [Award E5982]

  • Established to facilitate recruitment of outstanding international doctoral students; at $12,500 per year for up to four years, these scholarships essentially cover the difference between international and domestic tuition. International students who become permanent residents or Canadian citizens will no longer be eligible for the scholarship. Incoming students who have not identified their residency status with the Office of Registrarial Services by the 14th class day are not eligible until such evidence is presented. Students must remain registered full-time and maintain satisfactory progress for the duration of the scholarship in order to maintain funding.Not tenable with the International Graduate Tuition Scholarship, Ontario Trillium Scholarships, Brock Doctoral Scholarships, Arrell Scholarships, Vanier CGS-D, Dairy Farmers of Ontario, China Scholarship Council, CONACyT, Science without Borders or any other third party funding (e.g., workplace funding, scholarships from a home government). No application required; currently registered eligible students will be identified by OGPS. Incoming students will be identified by their departments and the award will be included in their offer of admission.

  • All current or entering international PhD students admitted to their program with a minimum A- admission average and current or entering DVSC students admitted to their program with a minimum B admission average, and who are billed the international tuition rates, are eligible. International doctoral students who were admitted with an average lower than the minimum required admission average will be eligible in the semester following successful completion of their qualifying exam, for the remainder of the four-year (up to the 12th registered semester) period of eligibility. Students who transfer from a Master program to a doctoral program will be eligible for up to 12 semesters of IDTS funding, starting in the semester in which they are enrolled in the doctoral program.

David Murray and James Snell OGS Fund - no longer available

  • The David Murray and James Snell OGS Fund assists History graduate students at the University of Guelph. The award was established to honor retired professors David Murray and Jamie Snell. Each year, $5,000 from this endowment is matched with other contributions to support one $15,000 Scholarship to a graduate student in history. Graduate Studies consults with the Chair in History for a student recommendation.

Students should also examine the awards section of the Graduate Calendar for other potential financial assistance, such as:

Scottish Studies Awards

Alexander H. Brodie Memorial Award [Award T5008] (Scottish Studies):

  • Gifts from friends of the late professor Alexander H. Brodie make possible financial assistance to an MA (or, if none is eligible, PhD) student for thesis research overseas related to Scottish Studies. Application should be made to the Interdepartmental Committee on Scottish Studies (c/o the Department of History).

  • Value: 1 award up to $500

CASSOC Scottish Studies Graduate Bursary [Award B6048] (Scottish Studies)

  • Clans and Scottish Societies of Canada's mission is to advance Scottish Culture and Heritage in whatever form and however expressed. This bursary is to help expand and communicate the knowledge and understanding of any and all aspects of Scottish history, with particular focus on the experience of the Diaspora. Apply by January 10th to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form and statement that demonstrates academic focus in Scottish history. Selection will be based on financial need.

  • Students registered in the Masters or Doctoral programs offered by the Department of History whose thesis, major research paper, or dissertation is focused on any dimension of Scottish history, in any period, and who have demonstrated financial need.

  • Value: 1 award of $1,000

Clan Fergusson Graduate Research Travel Grant [Award T5638]

  • Established in memory of deceased members of the Clan Fergusson Society of North America. The funds are used to provide travel grants to Guelph graduate students to visit Scotland for thesis research. Selection is by the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Awards Committee in January each year, for travel by a registered student between February and the following January. Apply by October 17 to Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies with the Clan Fergusson Research Travel Grant Application and a reference letter from the Primary Advisor.

  • Registered graduate students with at least a first-class ('A-') average in the most recent two years of study whose thesis research relates to Scottish studies are eligible, including study in drama, English, family studies, history, philosophy and sociology. Master’s students may not be beyond semester 5 and doctoral students may not be beyond semester 7 at the time of travel. This grant may be held one time only.

  • Value: several awards totalling approximately $1,000

Duncan Campbel Memorial Travel Grant [Award T6062] (Scottish Studies)

  • Established by the friends and family of Duncan Campbell in recognition of his tireless dedication to the study of Scottish history and the Scottish diaspora, and to honour his deep commitment, over many years, to supporting students in Scottish Studies at the University of Guelph. Apply to Scottish Studies and include a description of travel, a research statement, and an itemized proposed budget detailing travel costs.

  • Selection will be based on the greatest relevance to Scottish studies as outlined in the application.

  • Students registered full-time or part-time in any Masters or Doctoral program in the Department of History who are pursuing travel to Scotland for the purposes of Scottish-related research.

  • Value: 1 award of $1,000

Edward Stewart Scholarship in Scottish Studies [Award I5014] (Scottish Studies)

  • Selection will be based on highest cumulative average. Application is not required.

  • Graduate students registered in their first or second year in the field of Scottish Studies (M.A. or Ph.D. Programs in History) with a minimum cumulative average of 80% upon entry to the program or after the first year of study.

  • Value: 1 award of $5,000

Frank Watson Travel Scholarship [T5806] (Scottish Studies)

  • Dr. Cecily Watson and the Scottish Studies Foundation provide this $3500 Scholarship for MA and PhD students in the Scottish Studies Program who intend to visit Scotland for their thesis work.

  • Applicants will be eligible after the successful completion of their comprehensive examinations. Preference will be given to PhD students, but if no PhD students qualify, MA students with a minimum cumulative average of 80% (A-) will be considered. Selection will be based on relevance of intended travel to the student thesis work. Apply by February 1 for travel between April of current year and April of the following year to the Chair of Scottish Studies with an outline of the purpose and duration of travel to Scotland.

  • MA and PhD students in the Scottish Studies Program who intend to visit Scotland for their thesis work.

  • Value: 1 award of $3,500

Kenneth B. Morrison Memorial Scottish Studies Travel Grant [T6114] (Scottish Studies)

  • The family of Ken Morrison has created this award in memory of their late brother, who was Manager of the University Bookstore for over 20 years, as well as a University of Guelph alumni with a Bachelor of Arts in History. This travel grant fulfills Ken's wish to support Scottish Studies students by helping make the opportunity to travel to Scotland to enhance their research and life experiences more affordable. 

  • Apply by 1 March to the Scottish Studies Chair including a description of travel, a research statement, and an itemized proposed budget detailing travel costs. Selection will be based on the greatest relevance to Scottish studies and a review of the proposed travel budget as outlined in the application.

  • Students registered part-time or full-time in any Masters or Doctoral program offered by the College of Arts who are pursuing travel to Scotland for the purposes of Scottish-related research.

  • Value: 1 award of $1,000

Scottish Foundation Graduate Scholarship:

Through the generosity of the Scottish Studies Foundation and private donors, and with the assistance of the Ontario government's OSOTF program, this scholarship has been made available annually to an Ontario resident with demonstrated financial need who enters the Scottish Studies Program at the University of Guelph. The scholarship provides $1500 in the first year and, providing the student maintains a Scottish Studies focus and an A- average, $1500 in the second year of study. Doctoral studies will be given first consideration. If none are eligible, Masters students will be considered. Eligible students should request the graduate committee of their Department or School to forward their names and application materials to the Scottish Studies Committee for consideration and submit a completed Needs Assessment Form to Student Financial Services by February 15. (ACCESS AWARD).

St. Andrews Society of Toronto Travel Award in Scottish Studies [Award T5972]:

  • Submit a research plan, itinerary and travel costs to the Chair of Scottish Studies by February 1st. Upon completion of the research trip, St. Andrew’s Society of Toronto may invite the recipient of the travel grant to deliver a short talk relating to research undertaken at St. Andrew’s Society of Toronto members meeting.

  • Students studying in the field of Scottish Studies who are planning to travel for research purposes related to their program of study.

  • Value: 1 award of $2,500

St Andrew's Society of Montreal Research Travel Grant in Scottish Studies [Award T5100]

  • Preference will be given to students from Quebec. Applications should be made to the Scottish Studies Foundation Chair by February 1st detailing the research plan, itinerary and costs. Upon completion of the research trip, a report must be submitted to the St Andrew's Society of Montreal for publication in their newsletter.

  • Graduate students studying in the field of Scottish Studies to undertake a research trip to Scotland.

  • Value: 1 award of $2,000

Ted Cowan Scholarship [Award T5650] (Scottish Studies)

  • Awarded in even numbered years to support research travel for a Guelph student in Scottish studies. Prof. Cowan, for many years chair of Scottish studies in the Department of History, made major contributions to raising the awareness of Scottish studies both in the academic world and among the public as a whole. Submit an application, including proposed research trip budget and statement of research plan, to the graduate coordinator of the department of registration. Preference will be given to PhD students.

  • Scottish Studies PhD students who have completed or anticipate completing their qualifying examination, and MA students who have completed two semesters.

  • Value: 1 award of $500

Teresa McCusker Scottish Studies Bursary [Award B6033] (Scottish Studies)

  • Established by siblings Frances and Martin Houston and their families in memory of a beloved aunt, Teresa McCusker, who valued support for young people and their learning journeys. Apply by January 10th to Student Financial Services with a completed Financial Need Assessment Form and a statement that demonstrates academic focus in Scottish Studies. Selection will be based on greatest financial need.

  • Students registered in a program offered by the Department of History with a focus on Scottish Studies who have demonstrated financial need.

  • Value: 1 award of $2,000