Chain FJJ, Finlayson S, Crease T, Cristescu M. 2019. Variation in transcriptional responses to copper exposure across Daphnia pulex lineages. Aquatic Toxicology 210: 85-97.
Eckert IMK, Littlefair JE, Zhang GK, Chain FJJ, Crease TJ, Cristescu ME. 2108. Bioinformatics for biomonitoring: species detection and diversity estimates across next-generation sequencing platforms. Advances in Ecological Research 59:1-32.
Liorti A., Crease Y., Heyland A. 2017, Interactive effects of copper and calcium in Daphnia pulex. J. Limnology 76:281-291.
Eagle SHC, Crease TJ. 2016. Distribution of the DNA transposon family, Pokey in the Daphnia pulex species complex. Mobile DNA 7:11 (14 pp).
Brown E, Chain F, Crease TJ, MacIsaac H, Cristescu M. 2015. Divergence thresholds and divergent biodiversity estimates: Can metabarcoding reliably describe zooplankton communities? Ecology and Evolution 5:2234-2251.
LeRiche K, Eagle SHC, Crease TJ. 2014. Copy number of the transposon, Pokey, in rDNA is positively correlated with rDNA copy number in Daphnia obtusa. PLoS ONE 9:114773.
Cristescu ME, Demiri B, Altshuler I, Crease TJ. 2014. Gene Expression variation in duplicate lactate dehydrogenase genes: Do ecological species show distinct responses? PLoS ONE 9:103964.
Vergilino R, Eagle SHC, Crease TJ, Dufresne F. 2014. Impact of ploidy level on the distribution of Pokey element insertions in the Daphnia pulex complex. Mobile DNA 5:1.
Elliott TA, Stage DE, Crease TJ, Eickbush TH. 2013. In and out of the rRNA genes: characterization of Pokey elements in the sequenced Daphnia genome. Mobile DNA 4:20.
Vergilino R, Elliott TA, Desjardins-Proulx P, Crease TJ, Dufresne F. 2013. Evolution of a transposon in Daphnia hybrid genomes. Mobile DNA 4 :e7.
Crease TJ, Omilian AR, Costanzo KS, Taylor DJ. 2012. Transcontinental phylogeography of the Daphnia pulex species complex. PLoS ONE 7: e46620.
Eagle SHJ, Crease T. 2012. Copy number variation of ribosomal DNA and Pokey transposons in natural populations of Daphnia. Mobile DNA 3:e4.
Cristescu ME, Constantin A, Bock DG, Caceres CE, Crease TJ. 2012. Speciation with gene flow and the genetics of habitat transitions. Molecular Ecology 21:1411-1422.
Crease TJ, Floyd R, Cristescu M, Innes D. 2011. Evolutionary factors affecting Lactate dehydrogenase A and B variation in the Daphnia pulex species complex. BMC Evol Biol 11:212.