Eric Bonk's MSc Defence

Date and Time


Eric Bonk's MSc defence will be held on July 25th at 1:00pm(EST) in-person in SSC 1511, and hybrid via the Teams link below. 

Eric will present his thesis, "Assessment of Fish Communities in Small Streams Adjacent to Agricultural Activity from a Community Level Perspective".

The examination committee includes:
Chair - Dr. Todd Gillis
Advisor - Dr. Bob Hanner
Advisory Committee Examiner - Dr. Kevin McCann
Departmental Examiner - Dr. Andrew MacDougall

Microsoft Teams Need help?
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Meeting ID: 232 775 149 191
Passcode: Rki8h3

Dial in by phone
+1 647-484-5755,,523113168# Canada, Toronto
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Phone conference ID: 523 113 168#

File Attachments

PDF icon Eric Bonk - MSc Poster.pdf925.56 KB

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