Emma Mably's MSc Defence

Date and Time


The Department of Integrative Biology wishes to announce the upcoming thesis defence of:

Emma Mably - MSc Integrative Biology
Tuesday, December 10th, 2024 at 9:30 AM (EST) in-person in SSC 2315 and hybrid via the Teams link below.

Emma will present her thesis, "Squirrels and the City: Exploring the development of the gut-brain axis via maternal effects in response to urbanization in wild eastern grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis)".

The examination committee includes:
Chair - Dr. Mehrdad Hajibabaei
Advisor - Dr. Amy Newman
Advisory Committee Examiner - Dr. Bob Hanner
Departmental Examiner - Dr. Karl Cottenie

All are welcome to attend the presentation.

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Meeting ID: 279 408 431 930
Passcode: sa9hq7jL

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File Attachments

PDF icon Emma Mably - MSc Poster.pdf1.8 MB

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