Past Events

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Ben Schultz' PhD Defence

Thank you for joining us for Ben Schultz' PhD defence on Monday, November 25th, 2024 at 1:00pm (EST) in-person in Summerlee Science Complex Room 1504, and virtually via the Teams link below. Ben will present his thesis, "Disentangling the hybridization dynamics between Chrosomus eos, the northern redbelly dace, and Chrosomus neogaeus, the finescale dace.".

Amanda Semenuk's MSc Defence

The Department of Integrative Biology wishes to announce the upcoming thesis defence of: Amanda Semenuk - MSc Integrative Biology Friday, November 15th, 2024 at 9:30 AM (EST) virtually via the Zoom link below. Amanda will present her thesis, "Nature's Pitfall Trap: Are salamanders integrated by carnivorous plants in a nutrient-poor bog ecosystem". The examination committee includes: Chair - Dr. Andy Turko Co-Advisor - Dr. Alexander Smith Advisory Committee Examiner - Dr. Christina Caruso Departmental Examiner - Dr. Jinzhong Fu

Seminar Series - Dr. Alexandra Karl

November 14, 2024 - Dr. Alexandra Karl, University of Guelph Topic: Darwinism, evolution, and art

Seminar Series - Dr. Jackie Goordial

On Thursday, November 7 we are hosting Dr. Jackie Goordial for the IB Seminar ( Jackie is an Assistant

Seminar Series - Dr. Katie Marshall

October 31, 2024 - Dr. Katie Marshall, University of British Columbia Topic: Thermal physiology of invertebrates

Jelany Duali's MSc Defence

Jelany Duali's MSc defence will be held on Thursday, August 22nd at 9:00am(EST) in SSC 2315 and virtually via the Teams link below. Jelany will present his thesis "Range-wide post- and pre-breeding migratory networks of a declining Neotropical-Nearctic migratory bird, the blackpoll warbler". The examination committee includes: Chair - Dr. Jinzhong Fu Advisor - Dr. Ryan Norris Advisory Committee Examiner - Dr. Bill DeLuca Departmental Examiner - Dr. Dan Grunspan

Annika Wilcox's MSc Defence

Annika Wilcox' MSc defence will be held at 1:00pm(EST) on August 16th in SSC 2315 and hybrid via the Teams link below.  Annika will present their thesis, "Limiting Factors of Restored Agricultural Wetlands for Migratory Birds". The examination committee includes: Chair - Dr. Mehrdad Hajibabaei Advisor - Dr. Andrew MacDougall Advisory Committee Examiner - Dr. Amy Newman Departmental Examiner - Dr. Edeline Gagnon  

Christopher Farrow's PhD Defence

Christopher Farrow's PhD defence will be held on August 15th at 9:00am (EST), in-person in Summerlee Science Complex room 1511 and hybrid via the Teams link below. Christopher will present his thesis, "Determining the dominant biological and hydrodynamic factors affecting passive dispersal in rivers". The examination committee includes: Chair - Dr. Andreas Heyland Advisor - Dr. Joe Ackerman Advisory Committee Examiner - Dr. Andrew Binns Departmental Examiner - Dr. Andy Turko External Examiner - Dr. Joe Daraio (Memorial University)  

Amanda Whitehead's MSc Defence

Amanda Whitehead's MSc Defence will be held on Thursday, August 8th, at 9:00(EST) in-person SSC 1511 and hybrid via Teams.  Amanda will present her thesis, "Nutrient Addition does not Strengthen Selection for Extended Floral Longevity in Response to Simulated Pollinator Decline in Lobelia siphilitica" The exam committee includes: Chair - Dr. Quinn Webber Advisor - Dr. Christina Caruso Advisory Committee Examiner - Dr. Hafiz Maherali Departmental Examiner - Dr. Cortland Griswold   

Eric Bonk's MSc Defence

Eric Bonk's MSc defence will be held on July 25th at 1:00pm(EST) in-person in SSC 1511, and hybrid via the Teams link below.  Eric will present his thesis, "Assessment of Fish Communities in Small Streams Adjacent to Agricultural Activity from a Community Level Perspective". The examination committee includes: Chair - Dr. Todd Gillis Advisor - Dr. Bob Hanner Advisory Committee Examiner - Dr. Kevin McCann Departmental Examiner - Dr. Andrew MacDougall  

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