Roy Danzmann

Roy Danzmann
Professor Emeritus
  • Artieri, C.G., Mitchell, L.A. , Ng, S.H.S., Parisotto, S.E., Danzmann, R.G., Hoyheim, B., Phillips, R.B., Morasch, M., Koop, B.F., and W.S. Davidson. 2006. Identification of the sex-determining locus of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) on chromosome 2. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 112: 152-159.
  • Gharbi, K., Gautier, A., Danzmann, R.G., Gharbi, S., Sakamoto, T., Hoyheim, B., Taggart, J.B., Cairney, M., Powell, R., Krieg, F., Okamoto, N., Ferguson , M.M., Holm, L-E., and R. Guyomard. 2006. A linkage map for brown trout (Salmo trutta): chromosome homeologies and comparative genome organization with other salmonid fish. Genetics 172: 2405-2419.
  • Leder, E.H., Danzmann, R.G., and M.M. Ferguson. 2006. The candidate gene, Clock , localizes to a strong spawning time quantitative trait locus region in rainbow trout. J. Hered. 97: 74-80.
  • Coulibaly, I. , K. Gharbi, R.G. Danzmann, J. Yao, and C.E. Rexroad III. 2005. Characterization and comparison of microsatellites derived from repeat-enriched libraries and expressed sequence tags. Animal Genetics 36: 309-315.
  • Danzmann, R.G., M. Cairney, W.S. Davidson, M.M. Ferguson, K. Gharbi, R. Guyomard, E. Leder, N. Okamoto, A. Ozaki, C.E. Rexroad, T. Sakamoto, J.B. Taggart, and R.A. Woram. 2005. A comparative analysis of the rainbow trout genome with two other species of fish (Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon) within the tetraploid derivative Salmonidae family (subfamily: Salmoninae).Genome 48: 1037-1051.
  • Perry, G.M.L., C.M. Martyniuk, M.M. Ferguson and R.G. Danzmann 2005. Genetic parameters for upper thermal tolerance and growth-related traits in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture 250: 120-128.
  • Moghadam, H.K., M.M. Ferguson and R.G. Danzmann. 2005. Evidence for Hox gene duplication in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): A tetraploid model species. J. Mol. Evol. 61: 804-818.
  • Gharbi, K., Ferguson , M.M., and R.G. Danzmann. 2005. Characterization of Na, K-ATPase genes in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and comparative genome organization with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Mol. Gen. Genomics. 273: 474-483.
  • Reid, D.P., Szanto, A., Glebe, B., Danzmann, R.G., and M.M. Ferguson. 2005. QTL for body weight and condition factor in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): comparative analysis with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Heredity 94: 166-172.
  • R.A. Woram, C. McGowan, J.A. Stout, K. Gharbi, M.M. Ferguson, B. Hoyheim, E.A. Davidson, W.S. Davidson, C. Rexroad, and R.G. Danzmann. 2004. A genetic linkage map for Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): Evidence for higher recombination rates and segregation distortion in hybrid versus pure strain mapping parents. Genome 47: 304-313.