Sheri Hincks

Growing up on a small goat farm in Milton, my mom and dad introduced me to the wonderful world of biology- always letting me stop and look until my curiosity was satisfied. It was my fascination with water and creatures that led me to the University of Guelph to study Marine Biology. Still eager to learn more, I pursued a Masters degree. After my Masters I spent several years doing research at both the University and independently consulting on zebra mussels, benthic organism surveys and fish diet analysis. I came back to work at the University designing educational CD’s for use in high schools, universities as well as Science North in Sudbury. I then spent eight years designing and facilitating the department’s first series of distance education courses. I also believe that science outreach is very important and have participated in Science Olympics, s@ge camps, various academic open houses, teacher education conferences, local science fairs and had a guest appearance on Canada's greatest Know it all. Currently, I am a lab instructor for various undergrad courses including ecology, invertebrate biology and marine biology and oceanography.
- BSc. 1990 University of Guelph. Marine Biology/ Philosophy
- MSc. 1994 University of Guelph