Sarah Schorno

I completed my Hon. BSc at the University of Guelph in Zoology. During my third and fourth year, I worked as a NSERC USRA in Dr. Stephen Marshall's insect taxonomy lab where I also had the opportunity to conduct an undergraduate thesis creating a photographic identification key for the snail-killing flies (Family - Sciomyzidae) of northeastern North America. My graduate work during my PhD focused on studying the timing and process of slime gland refilling in hagfishes. Our work showed that hagfish slime gland refilling is a surprisingly lengthy and complicated process, taking over a month to complete. In addition to my research interests, I was fortunate enough to gain valuable teaching experience through my various teaching assistant-ships and as a first-aid instructor with St. John Ambulance Canada. This has led me to my current position as a course coordinator/instructor, and I am very excited to be working in the department in a new capacity!
- Doctor of Philosophy: Integrative Biology - 2018
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
- Bachelor of Science: Honours Zoology - 2013
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
- Schorno, S.*, Gillis, T.E., and Fudge, D.S. (2018). Cellular mechanisms of slime gland refilling in Pacific hagfishes (Eptatretus stoutii). Journal of Experimental Biology. jeb-183806.
- Schorno, S.*, Gillis, T.E., and Fudge, D.S. (2018). Emptying and refilling of slime glands in Atlantic (Myxine glutinosa) and Pacific (Eptatretus stoutii) hagfishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221(7), jeb172254.
- Fudge, D.S., and Schorno, S.* (2016). The hagfish gland thread cell: a fibre-producing cell involved in predator defense. Cells. 5(2), 25.
- Icardo, J.M., Colvee, E., Schorno, S.*, Lauriano, E.R., Fudge, D.S., Glover, C.N., and Zaccone, G. (2016). Morphological analysis of the hagfish heart. II. The venous pole and the pericardium. Journal of Morphology, 277(7), 853-865.
- Icardo, J.M., Colvee, E., Schorno, S.*, Lauriano, E.R., Fudge, D.S., Glover, C.N., and Zaccone, G. (2015). Morphological analysis of the hagfish heart. I. The ventricle, the arterial connection and the ventral aorta. Journal of Morphology, 277(3): 326-340.
- Fudge, D.S., Schorno, S.*, and Ferraro, S. (2015). Physiology, biomechanics and biomimetics of hagfish slime. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 84: 947-967.
- Newman, A.E.M., Edmunds, N., Ferraro, S., Heffell, Q., Merrit, G.M., Pakkala, J.J., Schilling, C., and Schorno, S.* (2015). Using ecology to inform physiology studies: implications of high population density in the laboratory. American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology ajpregu-00328.