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BComm Course Selection FAQ

BComm Winter 2025 Course Selection FAQ

Important reminder! For all B.Comm majors, the order in which you take your courses is critical, so you need to use both Student Planning AND your Schedule of Studies (described below) to plan your courses. While Student Planning gives you a list of the required courses, it does not always indicate the order to take them; for that you also need to use your Schedule of Studies.

The list and order of courses you must take for your major is called your Schedule of Studies. Your Schedule is based upon your Undergraduate Calendar Year, so it is important to confirm your Calendar Year first. Note: if you follow the incorrect Calendar Year, you could be taking the wrong courses and delaying your graduation. 

Follow the steps below to find your Calendar Year--do not use Google to find your Schedule of Studies as it will take you to the wrong Calendar Year. You will be using Student Planning to find this information.

  1. Login to WebAdvisor and select ’Student Planning Overview’.
  2. Select ‘Go to My Progress’. On the top left of ’At a Glance’ you will see ‘Calendar’. The year listed indicates your Calendar Year, e.g., 2022 means that you will follow the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar.
  3. Once you know your Calendar Year, select it from the following list (this link will take you to the Undergraduate Calendar): 
  4. Select your Major from the list (if you are in Co-op, be sure to select the Co-op major). Here you will find all the courses required for your degree program in semester order. Note that this page may also list minors, so be sure that you are reviewing the courses for your Major.

If your calendar year is 2023-24 or earlier, beginning with the 2024-25 academic calendar, there have been changes to some required B.Comm courses. If you wish to remain in your current academic calendar, no action is required on your part. If, however, after reviewing the changes for 2024-25, you are interested in switching to the newer calendar, please meet with a Program Counsellor to discuss how this will impact your remaining courses.

A reminder -- all B.Comm majors are progressive, i.e. fourth year courses build on third year courses and so on. Taking required courses out of sequence (as outlined in your Schedule of Studies) will lead to time tabling difficulties later on. It is also difficult to monitor class sizes if second year students take third year courses, and third year students jump to fourth year courses, etc.  Although you may have the prerequisites for a core course, it does not necessarily mean that now is the appropriate time for you to take it. Conversely, delaying taking core courses can have serious scheduling consequences and may delay your graduation.

Go to Course Selection Windows and click on the ‘Undergraduate & Associate Diploma (Guelph Campus) Students’ tab. The Course Selection page also contains helpful information about the course selection process, so please take the time to review it. 

Note: the B.Comm Program Counselling office does not have the authority to waive you into full courses.

Some Departments add additional spaces as new windows are opened, so continue to monitor WebAdvisor throughout all course selection windows.

If the course you need is still full after all windows are open (November 1), contact the Department that offers the course as soon as possible, and ask if they can override the course capacity. A list of Departmental Contacts is available at the bottom of this page. WebAdvisor does not utilize the 'Waitlist' function, so the only way for a Department to know that there is additional demand is by contacting them directly. This is especially important if this is a required core course.  

If the Department approves your request, you will need their signature on a Course Waiver Request form. Submit the signed form either in-person (UC Level 3) or by scanning and emailing the form to Enrolment Services, Submit your waiver as soon as you have obtained the necessary signatures.

Remember: these waivers do not require a Program Counsellor’s Signature.

There are three possible reasons:

  1. Check that you have all the correct prerequisites, including earned credits---WebAdvisor will not let you add a course if you are missing any of the required courses or credits. Check the most up to date prerequisites by viewing the course details in 'Search for Courses and Course Sections' in WebAdvisor. 
  2. The course has a Priority Access Restriction. During the course selection period, some courses are restricted to specific students. For example, the Psychology Department gives priority (first access) to students with a Psychology specialization before opening spots up to other students. To determine if a course is Priority Access, you can view the Restrictions in the Course Description section of the Undergraduate Calendar as well as Course Restrictions. Priority Access may be temporary, so depending upon availability, the Department may lift the restriction later during the course selection period. If you want to know if a course will become available, you will need to contact the Department that offers the course directly at Undergraduate Course Waiver Contacts.
  3. You are a  second year and above student trying to add a  1st-year course. Enrollment Services will be limiting access to most 1st year classes until NOON on November 11 to ensure that 1st year students have access. After that date,  upper-year students (second year and above) should have access to most 1st year classes. Visit Temporary and Priority Access Course Restrictions for details.

Note: The B.Comm Program Counselling office does not have the authority to waive course prerequisites.

If you have had a substitution approved for a course that is a prerequisite, or you feel you have the appropriate academic background, email the Department that offers the course and ask if they can allow you to take the course by signing a Course Waiver. A list of B.Comm Departmental Contacts is available at the bottom of this page. For all other courses, contact the Department that is offering the course directly at Undergraduate Course Waiver Contacts. Reminder, waivers are signed at the discretion of the Department.

If the Department approves your request, you will need their signature on a Course Waiver Request form. Submit the signed form either in-person (UC Level 3) or by scanning and emailing the form to Enrollment Services, Submit your waiver as soon as you have obtained the necessary signatures.

Remember: these waivers do not require a Program Counsellor’s Signature.

A reminder that for MGMT*4000 all prerequisites must be successfully completed prior to the beginning of this course. You will not be waived into this course if you are missing prerequisites or attempting to take any of the prerequisites concurrently with this course.

NOTE: If you fail a course in Fall 2024 and it is a prerequisite for another course you have registered to take in Winter of 2025, you may no longer be eligible to take the latter course. Please contact the Department offering the course and ask if you will be deregistered from the course(s) requiring the prerequisite. A list of Departmental Contacts is available at the bottom of this page.

If you require a waiver to add a course, you must use the Course Waiver Request form. These forms must be submitted directly to Enrolment Services, as you cannot add these courses via WebAdvisor.

If the Department has approved your waiver, you will need to submit the completed form to Enrolment Services either in-person (UC Level 3) or at as soon as possible. Remember, you must use your account when emailing a Course Waiver to Enrolment Services.

The course or the course code may have changed. For a list of all changes, visit Course Changes. Four changes of note,

  1. MGMT*3020 – ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ is now called ‘Principles of Responsible Organizations’. Only the title has changed; the course code and content remain the same 
  2. Marketing Management Students: MCS*3600 - Consumer Information Processes is now MCS*4010
  3. Sport and Event Management Students: beginning Fall 2023, many HTM courses are now using the new SPMT prefix
  4. Management Economics and Finance Students: beginning 2020, many ECON courses are now using the new FIN prefix

Please note that some changes will not show up in Student Planning. Provided you complete the course from the list above, it will be used to fulfill your degree requirements.

Departments may also change the name, course number or semester offering of some of your courses. Refer to the Course Descriptions section of the current (2024-2025) Undergraduate Calendar for the most up to date information.

If you encounter a required course that is not listed in WebAdvisor or the Undergraduate Calendar, please contact either your Faculty Advisor or the B.Comm Program Counselling Office as soon as possible.

Your credit level is based upon a combination of completed and in progress, academic and work term credits. You can find the number of credits completed and in progress by running your Unofficial Transcript or by viewing your ‘My Academic Progress’ page on WebAdvisor. To view this page, click on the ‘My Academic Progress’ link in the WebAdvisor menu. In the ‘Total Credits’ bar on the right side of the page, add the number of completed credits (in dark green) and the number of in-progress credits (in light green).

If for any reason you require a Course Waiver to add a course, e.g. you are missing prerequisites, requesting an overload, etc., please refer to the FAQ’s, ‘WebAdvisor won’t let me add a course’ or ‘A course I want to get into is full'.

Important reminders about Co-op work term credits. Co-op work term courses (COOP*1000 through COOP*5000) have a 0.50 credit weight. Co-op work term credits do not count towards academic degree program requirements, i.e. core, restricted, free or liberal education electives. This means you will graduate with additional credits over and above your 20.0 academic degree requirements. Note that this restriction on credits continues to apply if you leave the Co-op program. 

Taking 6 courses (or 3.0 credits) per semester is typically not recommended. The additional course load frequently leads to a lower final semester average. If you are thinking of this as an option, we encourage you to discuss the pros and cons with a Program Counsellor or your Faculty Advisor.

To take 3.00 credits you must obtain permission from the B.Comm Program Counselling Office  provided you meet the following criteria:

  1. You have a 70% cumulative average OR
  2. Winter 2025 is the final semester of your degree program

If you meet the above criteria, the earliest date you may request permission is December 16, 2024. Email your request to our office, with the subject line: ‘Requesting a Credit Overload’. Note: if Winter 2025 is your last semester and you require 6 courses to graduate, you may contact our office before this date.

If you do not meet these requirements you have the option of adding the additional 0.5 credit without permission on the last day of the Add period, Friday, January 10, 2025 , You are however, strongly discouraged from doing so for the reasons outlined above.

You will take this course in your second year, in either the fall or winter semester, depending on your major. Refer to your Schedule of Studies to determine which semester. Note, MGMT*1100 is not offered in the summer.

While you will be taking this course over and above your regularly scheduled courses, remember it is a non-credit degree requirement, so it is not like taking a ‘6th course’. The content is focused on providing you with practical knowledge and tools to prepare you for your career search. The course is comprised of CourseLink modules, assessed on a Pass/Fail basis, and includes assignments, quizzes, and discussion posts.

If you are in a co-op program and have completed COOP*1100, you do not need to complete MGMT*1100. For non-co-op students, this course is a mandatory degree requirement.

Go to the Course Descriptions section of the current (2024-2025) Undergraduate Calendar. After selecting a subject from the list on the right, you will see a list of all courses from that subject area. In the course title, e.g. "ECON*1050 Introductory Microeconomics”, it will list the semester offering: Summer, Fall, or Winter. If Unspecified is listed, the semester offering of the course varies. Contact the Department for details.

Occasionally, Departments may offer additional course sections in semesters over and above those listed, so it is best to check WebAdvisor for the most up to date information.

The normal full-time course load is 2.5 credits (usually 5 courses) per semester. 2.0 credits (usually 4 courses) is still considered full-time. Part-time is 1.5 credits or less in a semester (3 or fewer courses). While you have the option to study part-time (except for co-op students), we suggest that you speak with a Program Counsellor to decide if this is an appropriate option for you. If you are an International Student, there may be additional implications of a part-time course load; discuss your situation with an International Student Advisor. Note: there are tuition and fee differences between full-time and part-time studies. Visit Student Financial Services for details. 

There are a number of specific requirements so please carefully read the information found at Adding a Minor or Certificate.

Due to the variety of major/minor combinations, it is possible that the courses listed for your minor, Liberal Education, and Free Electives are not displaying properly in Student Planning. You are welcome to meet with a Program Counsellor so we can confirm your required courses.

While students in other programs may have a maximum, as a B.Comm student you may take as many first-year courses as you wish towards your Liberal Education and Free Elective requirements.

While our office cannot recommend an elective, the Elective Courses website does have some helpful tips. You will also find information on the 1.5 Liberal Education credit requirement.

If you have not yet met with a Program Counsellor, we would strongly encourage you to do so. Given the similarities of some courses, e.g. mathematics and statistics, it is important to confirm that you are taking the correct courses to meet your degree requirements. 

Note: All BComm students must complete an introduction to business course to graduate. For transfer students, this course is typically MGMT*2150 – Introduction to Canadian Business Management. Due to the credit weight difference between MGMT*1000 and MGMT*2150, an additional course may be required. A Program Counsellor will outline how you can meet this requirement.

Yes. If you are currently on Probation, or were placed on Probation as a result of your Fall 2024 academic performance, you should be cautious about taking Winter 2025 courses. As a Probationary student, you must obtain a Winter semester average of 60% or higher to be eligible to continue your studies at the University of Guelph.

Your Winter semester average will be based on all courses taken between January and April, whether you take one or five. If this average is below 60%, you will be Required to Withdraw from the University of Guelph.

If you have not already done so, you are strongly encouraged to meet with a Program Counsellor to discuss the implications of being on Probation. We can also go over the University resources available to you to improve your academic performance.

Reminder: all B.Comm students must achieve a cumulative university average (GPA) of 60% or higher to graduate. 

Contact our office! Depending upon your question, we may book you an appointment with a BComm Program Counsellor. We can be reached by phone, 519-824-4120 ext. 56757 , e-mail or in-person, MAC 106. If you want to book an appointment with a Program Counsellor, please call our office at ext. 56757. *Please note that all appointments must be booked in advance, and we do not book appointment times via email.

Alternatively, Faculty Advisors for each major are also available to assist you with course selection and other questions.  If you do not know who your Faculty Advisor is, a list of names and contact information is posted on the UAIC website.

If you experience problems with your course selection please notify the B.Comm Program Counselling Office or your Faculty Advisor for your major  as soon as possible. Problems cannot be resolved if we do not know about them.

Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Contact Information:

Office location: Macdonald Hall, Room 106
519-824-4120 Ext. 56757 |


The office's front desk is open for general enquiries and pre-booked appointments with a Program Counsellor from 8:30AM to 12:00PM and 1:00PM to 4:15PM (Monday to Friday). Schedule appointments only.




Office location 


Prof. Connie Zavitz 

Macdonald Hall, Rm 213 


Prof. Evie Adomait 

MacKinnon, Rm 728 


Emily Vogelman 

J.D. MacLachlan, Rm 303 


Prof. Evie Adomait 

MacKinnon, Rm 728 


Prof. Connie Zavitz 

Macdonald Hall, Rm 213 


Emily Robinson 

Macdonald Stewart, Rm 206 


Rita Raso 

Macdonald Institute, Rm 205 


Nina Eryavec 

Macdonald Hall, Rm 309 



Macdonald Stewart, Rm 101  


Prof. Connie Zavitz 

Macdonald Hall, Rm 213 


Emily Robinson 

Macdonald Stewart, Rm 206 

MGMT*2190, 2260, 2500, 3020 

Prof. Connie Zavitz 

Macdonald Hall, Rm 213 


Emily Robinson 

Macdonald Stewart, Rm 206 

MGMT*3100, 3140, 3200, 3300, 3320, 3340, 3500, 3900

Prof. Connie Zavitz 

Macdonald Hall, Rm 213 


Prof. Connie Zavitz 

Macdonald Hall, Rm 213 

MGMT*4020 & 4030 

Rita Raso 

Macdonald Institute, Rm 205 

MGMT*4040, 4100, 4140, 4200, 4260, 4340, 4350, 4500 

Prof. Connie Zavitz 

Macdonald Hall, Rm 213 


Rita Raso 

Macdonald Institute, Rm 205 


Prof. Connie Zavitz 


Macdonald Hall, Rm 213