“Commodities, Well-being and Institutions” Workshop encourages discussion of global problems through an economic lens

The “Commodities, Well-being and Institutions” workshop drew in many scholars from around the world to discuss their research. The workshop was organized by University of Guelph economics professors Louise Grogan and Mike Hoy, and University of Bobo Dioulasso professor Agnes Zabsonre, and supported through funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). This event served as an opportunity for scholars to come together, share their perspectives and analyze current issues using economic theories and data analysis techniques.
During the workshop, many areas of microeconomics were examined. Topics included policies and events and their effect on living standards and economic development, theoretical analysis of the influence of child labour laws, and identifying the impact of gender quotas in politics on women’s participation.
According to Grogan, this workshop was a valuable experience for scholars because they were exposed to new studies and techniques for undertaking research. She also believes the presentations will serve as very helpful resources for graduate students at the University of Guelph and beyond.
“Topics such as how gold mining affects living standards in Burkina Faso are relevant because Canadian mining companies have huge investments in that country,” Grogan stated. “Examinations of the relationship between labour market situations and terrorist attacks, or the effects of bans on child labour, are of great importance for policymakers both in Canada and abroad.”
Conversations on these problems are important to formulating policy because they allow researchers to gain insight into the economic impact of these issues.