Agriculture workshop aims to promote food self-determination among First Nations

Representatives from First Nations communities, provincial government, and the University of Guelph are meeting on campus November 21 to 22 for the inaugural First Nation Agricultural Workshop. This workshop in support of the pursuit of food self-determination among First Nations communities is led by professor Elliott Currie of the Department of Management. With the goal of advancing initiatives in the areas of self-sustaining food systems, nutrition, and economic development, the workshop will serve as an opportunity to connect First Nations members with government resources and University of Guelph capabilities.
The aim of the two-day workshop is for all attendees to engage in knowledge sharing. The University of Guelph and government organizations will discuss opportunities available for First Nations members to advance their health, economic, and social efforts. First Nation representatives will share their perspectives on the issues faced within their communities and the type of solutions they are seeking. The information gained will then be used to improve existing projects or generate ideas to maximize impact.
“Building awareness and becoming familiarized with the needs of the First Nations peoples is incredibly important,” said Currie. “The workshop will allow us to gain insight and create programs that can significantly benefit the First Nations.”
This workshop is the result of a visit to the University of Guelph in 2016 by representatives of both the Nishnawbe Aski Nation and the Cancer Care Ontario. This trip allowed many people to recognize that there are numerous opportunities for collaboration as the First Nations communities work towards achieving food self-determination.
This event has received generous support from the Arrell Food Institute and Ontario Centres of Excellence.