Lang Chair Ann Pegoraro launches new hub for gender equity in sport

Prof. Ann Pegoraro, Lang Chair in Sport Management, officially kicked off a new research hub on Tuesday, December 1st, an initiative that brings together academics from across Canada to advance gender equity in sport.
Earlier this year, the federal Ministry of Heritage, through Sport Canada, awarded the national Gender Equity in Sport Research Hub to Pegoraro and her colleagues and fellow co-directors, University of Toronto professor Gretchen Kerr and Laval University professor Guylaine Demers, to develop an internationally recognized research and innovation centre that will collect, generate and disseminate research on gender equity in sport.
“Investing in girls’ sport participation has been shown to support long-term achievement and leads to higher earnings and job quality,” says Pegoraro. “This investment in research to ensure that sport participation in Canada is equal will have a lasting impact on gender equity in our society, and I am thrilled that the Lang School will be a part of this groundbreaking effort to improve life. “
The Hub officially kicked-off on Tuesday during a live virtual roundtable where the three co-directors discussed the role of the Hub in the Canadian sport community. Joining the roundtable were Karen O'Neill, CEO, Canadian Paralympic Committee, Tricia C. M. Smith, Canadian Olympic Committee President, Vicki Walker, Director General of Sport Canada.
The mandate of the Hub is to provide credible thought leadership and generate an evidence base to support gender equity in sport through innovative, transparent and sustainable research activities, data curation, network building and partnerships, to effect pan-Canadian behaviour change.
For more information on the Research Hub, visit the E-Alliance website.