Lang graduate students receive $225,000 in research funding

Four Lang graduate researchers are among the latest Canadian researchers to receive funding through the federal government’s granting agencies.
The graduate students received a combined $225,000 in funding through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), which helps fund and support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities.
"We are immensely proud of these Lang PhD students, who have earned this important recognition at the national level,” said Sean Lyons, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies. “These awards give our students the opportunity to focus on their research and generate publications that will help launch their academic careers. We're excited to see what these rising stars accomplish in the years to come.”
Congratulations to the following Lang graduate students for securing support for their research projects:
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships:
Jingen Liang (PhD Management)
Research Title: Improving life: Exploring the relationship between psychological distance and automated versus human service ($40,000)
Mohammad Akbar (PhD Management)
Research Title: Is there a convergence across countries for Mobile broadband adoption? ($20,000)
Kelly MacDonald (PhD Management)
Research Title: Work & retirement in Canada: a changing landscape ($60,000)
Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D)
Amanda Wuth (PhD Management)
Research Title: Investigating social cognitive processes in the workplace: Development and validation of workplace schema questionnaires to asses employee perceptions and examine counterproductive work behaviours ($105,000)