Lang faculty "have been a critical part of my support network," - Elaine Wilson, MA Leadership graduate

Elaine Wilson, MA Leadership graduate, 2021
Current title and position: Project Coordinator, The George Hull Centre for Children and Families
Why is leadership so important to your industry?
“Having the opportunity to pursue leadership training in the not-for-profit sector is incredibly important. Currently, there is increased pressure for organizations to do more, often with less. Organizations are trying to stretch funding dollars to provide innovative programming, track and report impact and to minimize administrative costs. This is exactly the time where strong leadership skills are needed most, but it is also the point in time where professional development budgets are often reduced or removed making training less accessible.”
What impact did Lang's MA Leadership program have in your career development?
"The MA Leadership program provided a tangible representation of the studying, new learning, personal and professional growth over the past two years. While there was certainly plenty of individual work and commitment on my part, I could not have successfully accomplished this without support.
Over the course of the past two years my family, employer, classmates, and various members of the faculty have been a critical part of my support network and I am grateful for all that they have done.
As a proud recipient of the Scotiabank MA (Leadership) Scholarship, I also want to take a moment to recognize their support.
Undoubtedly the generous financial assistance offered by Scotiabank for this award made a substantial difference and I am incredibly thankful for this. Beyond the direct financial support, I am also deeply appreciative of Scotiabank’s interest and commitment in investing in the growth and development of leaders in the non-profit sector."