Three hospitality, food and tourism management professors awarded research funding

Lang's Tourism Initiatives Fund provides one or more grants per year to support tourism-focused research projects within the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics. Each award is for a one-year term and Lang faculty with a proven record of research engagement in the tourism sector are eligible to apply.
Below are this year’s recipients:
Tourism’s Great Correction: Searching for Sustainability Post-Pandemic – Dr. Statia Elliot with Dr. Hwan-Suk (Chris) Choi
School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management (HFTM) Director Dr. Statia Elliot and Dr. Hwan-Suk (Chris) Choi have received funding on "Tourism’s Great Correction: Searching for Sustainability Post-Pandemic." Their research seeks to develop a future-focused framework utilizing relevant literature and current information to help guide tourism research and provide insights for sustainable tourism policies and practices. Through this project, they aim to assist managers and stakeholders in making informed business decisions for post-pandemic recovery.
Changes in seasonal student tourism workers’ job satisfaction and intention to stay over the course of employment – Bruce McAdams
Associate professor Bruce McAdams in the School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management (HFTM) has received funding on "Changes in seasonal student tourism workers’ job satisfaction and intention to stay over the course of employment." The research seeks to analyze the experiences of students who obtain seasonal employment in the tourism industry and understand their perception of their employment, job satisfaction, and intentions to stay. McAdams hopes to provide insight into the current labour shortage within the tourism sector in order to assist industry practitioners.