New report highlights Lang research strength and impact

The Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics is pleased to present its annual Research Report for 2021-2022, which highlights the many contributions of Lang faculty and the impact of their research.
The theme of this year’s report is excellence through collaboration and illustrates the exciting new partnerships that are boosting the research capacity and success of the School. An excellent illustration of this collaborative spirit is the new SSHRC Insight Grant-funded research project undertaken in partnership between two Lang Chairs – Dr. Ann Pegoraro and Dr. Laurie Barclay, which investigates the pandemic’s impact on gender+ equity in Canadian sport while assessing opportunities to aid recovery and sector inclusion.
“Although the Lang School has a long history of high-quality research, the addition of strong researchers to our community presents exciting opportunities for growth and development of our research contributions,” Dr. Sean Lyons, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies.