News | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics


January 8: Student Receives Stephen Phillips Passion for Hospitality Bursary Award

CME is proud to announce that Hotel and Food Administration co-op student, Michelle Chan, has been selected as the recipient of the 2012 Stephen Phillips Passion for Hospitality Bursary Award. The award is presented on behalf of the Hotel Association of Canada Board of Directors and the Bursary Selection Committee to a hospitality student who best represents the qualities that Stephen Phillips brought to the industry. Michelle is commended for her dedication to her chosen career as well as for demonstrating leadership and passion for helping those around her.

January 7: Guelph Professor a Food-Safety Force

Article featured in the Guelph Mercury.

Prof. Sylvain Charlebois rushes into his office, buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. It's clear he's excited to talk about the subject that interests him most: food safety. By now he is used to dealing with the media and an old pro at interviews. But this time he's caught off guard: the subject of the interview is not his research, but himself.

Cristina Ricciardi's photo

Cristina Ricciardi Represents CBE as an HRPA Student Member

Cristina Ricciardi walked into her first Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) event as a first year student and she’s never looked back. Now, three years later, Cristina has become the webmaster for HRPA’s local Guelph chapter as well as the featured student on the national HRPA Student Membership campaign. By stepping out of her comfort zone, Cristina has established connections with professionals in the community as well as professors in her Human Resources Management program.

December 19: CME Alumnus Becomes Honour Roll Member for 2012 Uniform Evaluation

The College of Management and Economics is proud to announce that Management Economics and Finance Alumnus, Kyle Dennhardt is an Honour Roll Member for the 2012 Uniform Evaluation (UFE) given nationally to ensure that all newly qualified Chartered Accountants are proficient in CA competencies.

December 14: Technology Enhances Cookbook Experience But Aficionados Unlikely to Give Up Hardcovers

Article written by Lois Abraham and featured in CTV News.

While ebooks have been exploding in popularity in recent years, scholars, chefs and those who just love to tool around in the kitchen say it's not time to stick a fork in the physical cookbook just yet.

"I'm a pretty messy cook, so having your computer on the counter is a recipe for disaster," said Ian Mosby, who is preparing to teach a University of Guelph course that encompasses the history of the cookbook.

December 13: Good Food Innovation Award Winners Announced

Article featured in the University of Guelph News.

Three Canadian restaurants offering innovative and creative dishes have won this year’s University of Guelph Good Food Innovation Awards.

The annual awards recognize food professionals who use Canadian ingredients, create innovative, healthy menu selections and follow sustainable management practices.

December 11: Higher Grocery Bills May Lengthen Food Bank Lines in 2013

Article written by Kaleigh Rogers and freatured in CBC News.

Increased food prices over the coming year could mean more pressure on Hamilton’s food banks.

On Thursday The University of Guelph released its annual Food Price Index, which looks at food price trends and forecasts price fluctuations for the year ahead. The predictions are based on a number of combined factors, including climate, economic risks and energy costs.

According to the report, 2013 will see a hike in overall food prices of between 1.5 and 3.5 per cent.

December 7: Meat Prices Set to Rise in 2013

Article written by Sarah Bridge and Pete Evans, featured in CBC News.

Researchers with a good track record of predicting price hikes say Canadians should expect the price of meat to increase by as much as 10 per cent next year.

In their annual forecast, researchers at the University of Guelph say they expect retail prices for beef and pork to increase by much more than any other food group, which for the most part will edge up modestly along with the overall inflation rate.

December 6: The not-so-bright future of Canada’s food-processing industry

Article written by Sylvain Charlebois, Associate Dean, CME.

With the strength of the Canada dollar, the rise of input costs and demanding food distributors, the food-processing sector in this country is being squeezed on all sides, and it may get worse.

Stephen Harper’s government planned to repeal standardized container size regulations for various foods this fall, with a phase-in period, seeking to harmonize container sizes between the U.S. and Canada.

December 5: Student Plows Circles Around the Competition

Article written by Teresa Pitman and featured in At Guelph.

First-year commerce student Carrie Davenport started driving a tractor on her parents’ farm when she was seven years old. Before long, she was pulling a plow behind it and taking the first steps to following in a family tradition. Her grandfather had been an avid competitor in plowing competitions, and the skills had been passed on through the generations from parent to son.

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